
Aleksandr Dugin and Western Totalitarian Liberalism

Aleksandr Dugin and Western Totalitarian Liberalism Turkish Post

  The most famous political philosopher in Russia, anti-communist, anti-Marxist Aleksandr Dugin, who recently gave an interview to Tucker Carlson, is well-known for pointing out that modern liberalism is the third wave of totalitarianism. Rather than ending totalitarianism, modern socialist liberalism, which developed with the rise of socialist movements that strongly opposed traditional values in the 20th century, continues the …

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Gangster Capitalism and Soros: Amoral Lack of Accountability is a Major Problem

Verdien av tillit: Cutting dependence on the US dollar: cutting dependence on the US dollar and switching to national means of payment in international settlements is gaining steam, SputnikGlobe

  Since the early 1980s, economic growth has increasingly been driven by financialization in the West – the replacement of industrial activity by financial trading. Traders like financial mogul and hedge-fund investor, George Soros, who has been called the world’s most famous investor, have greatly benefitted from financialization. Gangster Capitalism and Soros: Soros explains in his famous 60 Minutes interview …

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The search for meaning beyond Materialism

The Declining West: The search for meaning beyond Materialism. Hanne Nabintu Herland

  In the West, many now search for the meaning of life but fail to reach the inner awakening and peace the generations before us spoke of. We live in a culture where depression, loneliness, drugs and hedonism dominate. There is little or no reverence for the values that once made the West a strong civilization. The spiritual knowledge that …

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Mental Health and the failure of Atheism

The Search for Inner Peace

  Psychiatric disorders and mental health problems are skyrocketing in the United States. More people died from suicide in the United States last year than any other year on record, according to provisional data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, writes CNN. At least 49,449 lives were lost due to intentional self-harm in 2022 — nearly 15 deaths …

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How Big Government Special Interests destroys Democracy: Milton Friedman

Big Government Special Interests destroys Democracy: Milton Friedman

   In a time where the West is entering an age of socialist totalitarianism, the message of the famous economist Milton Friedman may be revisited. In 1993, he published a groundbreaking essay on “Why Government Is the Problem,” pointing out that the influence of special interests often ends up overruling the interests of the people. As politicians and bureaucrats become …

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Jürgen Habermas and Christian ethics: The leading Marxist philosopher who departed from his Secular views

Habermas and Christian ethics: Jurgen Habeman THoughtCo Herland Report

  What happens when an atheist thinker who arguably was Europe’s strongest voice for atheist secularism, changes his mind and advocates for Christian ethics? To follow the development of Jürgen Habermas has been a remarkable journey. He now states that Christian ethics have a greater role to play in society than many secularists previously thought. His point is that it …

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The Dark Side of the Digital Revolution

Bill Gates Warns of the Next Pandemic: Bill Gates and Partners Took Control Over Covid-19: Reuters

  People love the digital revolution.  It allows them to work from home and avoid stressful commutes and office politics.  The young love their cell phones that connect them to the world. For writers the Internet offers, for now, a far larger audience than a syndicated columnist could obtain.  But while we enjoy and delight in its advantages, the tyranny inherent in the …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite