
How politicized Science destroys Science

How Big Pharma servant Anthony Fauci Controls Science: National

  Governments are now faltering under the weight of mass unemployment, debt, bankruptcies and civil unrest. At the same time, the inequality gap is rocketing with one billion set to plunge into utter poverty. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has described a high-damage scenario, writing that 80 % of the Covid economic crisis will persist for more than a decade and stall …

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Alexis de Tocqueville and the Totalitarian Abuse of Power in Democracies

Alexis de Tocqueville Getty

  Many famous authors have discussed the dangers of misuse of power in democracy, among them the nineteenth-century philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville. In Democracy in America, he pointed out how easy it is for a democracy to turn totalitarian if it becomes the tyranny of the mob. It would be an ochlocracy, as the ancient Greeks called it, an extreme …

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Marxist icon Herbert Marcuse and the Authoritarian Strategy to silence opposition

Herbert Marcuse and the New Left' strategy to silence the Majority: Hanne Herland

  Repression of free speech, tolerance and respect for plurality has become the trademark of the New Left’ desire to silence the Majority. Thinkers like Herbert Marcuse, the father of the student revolution in the 1960’s, speaks openly in A critique of pure tolerance about the need to oppress the views of the conservatives and others who are critical of their ideology, …

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Aleksandr Dugin and Western Totalitarian Liberalism

Aleksandr Dugin and Western Totalitarian Liberalism Turkish Post

  The most famous political philosopher in Russia, anti-communist, anti-Marxist Aleksandr Dugin, who recently gave an interview to Tucker Carlson, is well-known for pointing out that modern liberalism is the third wave of totalitarianism. Rather than ending totalitarianism, modern socialist liberalism, which developed with the rise of socialist movements that strongly opposed traditional values in the 20th century, continues the …

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Gangster Capitalism and Soros: Amoral Lack of Accountability is a Major Problem

Verdien av tillit: Cutting dependence on the US dollar: cutting dependence on the US dollar and switching to national means of payment in international settlements is gaining steam, SputnikGlobe

  Since the early 1980s, economic growth has increasingly been driven by financialization in the West – the replacement of industrial activity by financial trading. Traders like financial mogul and hedge-fund investor, George Soros, who has been called the world’s most famous investor, have greatly benefitted from financialization. Gangster Capitalism and Soros: Soros explains in his famous 60 Minutes interview …

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