
Cancelling the Protestant Ethic is Suicide for the West

Cancelling the Protestant Ethic is Suicide: Mastodonte companies completely dominate: Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite

  The West has departed from its traditional beliefs in Christian ethics. Western capitalism has followed the same path, abandoning its Protestant ethic. As a result, capitalism is transformed into an amoral, atheist system of ethics that legalizes selfishness, an economic order in which there are no constraints on selfishness, greed and deceit. The cancelling of the Protestant ethic has …

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The scientific cure for Depression: Prayer

The cure for Depression: Hanne Nabintu Herland report

  We live in an atheist, Western mainstream culture that almost completely denies the spiritual realm and its influence on human beings. You hardly hear anything positive about religious beliefs or traditional values, for that matter. This is in line with the Marxist ideology, which currently completely dominates Western mainstream culture. Read more about this here. Yet, the New Left …

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The coming hypothetical Disease X: WEF forum discusses new “Covid” 20 times more deadly

The coming hypothetical Disease X: Bill Gates dislikes Africa population growth: World Economic Forum

  WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is now predicting a new hypothetical pathogen which is allegedly 20 times more deadly than SARS-CoV-2. (See below his WEF speech.) The coming hypothetical Disease X: “Disease X” is an invented construct, first presented by Bill Gates two years ago at the February 2022 Munich Security Conference. According to Bill Gates  “another Pandemic …

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The Covid Deception: The Shocking Consequences of the Lack of Accountability

The Covid Deception: The Covid-19 Scam: Washington-Post

  A researcher has discovered that 5% of the Covid “vaccine” batches are responsible for the large number of “vaccine” deaths and health injuries in the US.   The Covid Deception: Moreover, analysts have concluded that the sequential labeling of the batches according to toxicity levels is evidence of intentional violation of federal regulations requiring consistency among doses. For Pfizer 4% …

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An ally of the dispossessed, John Pilger dedicated his life to telling their stories and awoke the world to the greatest injustices

An ally of the dispossessed, John Pilger dedicated his life to telling their stories and awoke the world to the greatest injustices, Helrand Report

  The remarkably resilient truth seeker, journalist and film maker, John Pilger has left us. He died in London December 30th, 2023, reports Consortium News. “A consistent ally of the dispossessed, John dedicated his life to telling their stories and awoke the world to the greatest injustices. He showed great empathy for the weak and was unflinching with the powerful. …

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The atheist clampdown on the true meaning of Christmas has never been worse

The true meaning of Christmas:Herland Report

  The true meaning of Christmas: In the ocean of gnomes, trolls and secularized Walt Disney – Santa Clauses on their endless rides to and from the North Pole, no wonder many disconnect the celebration of Christmas with the birth of Jesus. It truly is puzzling to watch the spiritual poverty in the West. We seem intrinsically converted to the …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite