Middle East/Africa

Horrifying militia rule in Libya post #NATOwar 2011 – Linda Ulstein

Field marshall Khalifa Haftar EPA Libya.

  Herland Report: “The security situation in Libya is catastrophic. It is a massive international scandal. The NATO supported military coup in 2011 opened up the flood gate for horror”, states human rights activist for the prisoners in Libya, the Algerian Linda Ulstein in an exclusive interview with The Herland Report. states the official Spokesperson for the Libyan Tribes, Mrs. …

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Memorandum by Saif al-Islam Gaddafi مذكرة حصرية عن ليبيا لسيف الإسلام القذافي

Memorandum by Saif al-Islam Gaddafi. Saif al Islam Gaddafi Libya

  Memorandum by Saif al-Islam Gaddafi: Fabrications against the State, Leadership and Army – by Dr. Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, is now being republished all over the world and in many languages. Some links here. And here. And here. In the Memorandum on Libya, al-Islam Gaddafi explains how the Islamist linked fractions, supported by the West, with leading figures such as …

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Islamic Human Rights Prize, Teheran 2018, given to Trond Ali Linstad

Islamic Human Rights Prize, Teheran 2018, given to Trond Ali Linstad

  The Islamic Human Rights Prize, Teheran 2018 , has been given to one of the most vocal Norwegian Muslims, Dr. Trond Ali Linstad, for his relentless work for the marinalized in society and those who suffer. He has been the leader of the Palestine movement in Norway. He shares it with Sheikh Ikrama Sabir, Jerusalem/Al Quds. He is one of …

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JoAnne Moriarty 2011 Libya, les historien

Medieløgner i Libyakrigen NATOS overgrep i Libya Libya 2020, government loyalist in war torn country

  Libyakrigen 2011 ødela Libya. NATO bisto Al Qaida fraksjoner og Qatar offensiv for å nøytralisere Afrikas rikeste og mest velfungerende stat. Siden har det vært borgerkrig der og staten er totalt ødelagt. Alle vet nå at den urett som ble begått har vestlige land ikke tenkt å rette opp. Ingen av de norske politiske lederne, som Arbeiderpartiets leder Jonas Gahr Støre …

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حصري: حكم يروع الميليشيات في ليبيا، والمعاناة الهائلة، الحرب بسبب اثنين من حلف شمال الاطلسي 2011 – المتحدث باسم القبائل الليبية، السيدة ليندا أولستاين

  إن الحالة الأمنية في ليبيا كارثية وهي فضيحة دولية كبيرة. لكن الغرب يتجاهلها. السبب الرئيسي وراء ما يحدث لليبيين هو الإنقلاب العسكري الذي دعمته الولايات المتحدة وحلف الناتو عام 2011، وفقا للمتحدثة الرسمية باسم القبائل الليبية، السيدة ليندا أولستاين في مقابلة حصرية أجرتها معها صحيفة “هيرلاند ريبورت”.خلاصة القول: تسيطر على حكومة طرابلس المدعومة من قبل الغرب ميليشيات عديدة الآن …

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Could Muammar Gaddafi’s son Saif al-Islam Solve Libya? Hanne Nabintu, Foreign Policy

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi for Presidency. Salf al Islam Gaddafi Libya Newsweek

  Foreign Policy Journal:Libya remains a dysfunctional state largely due to failed American policy. Herland Report: The 2011 Obama/Clinton support to Al Qaida affiliated groups in order to oust Muammar Gaddafi heavily backfired, with ISIS now profiting from the massive wave of immigration, which also destabilizes Europe. First published February, 2017 in Foreign Policy Journal. President Trump has a unique chance …

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The NATO Libya atrocities will not go away, #Khalid al-Khuwailidi al-Humaidi

Russia and Wagner Group tried to bring Saif al-Islam Gaddafi to power in Libya: Saif al Islam Gaddafi Libya News Herland Report

  Herland Report: The NATO Libya atrocities in Libya 2011 do not seem to quite go away. New stories continually appear on the horrifying situation in today’s Libya under militia rule, as the country is continually experiencing a devastating civil war. The Western media still keeps conveniently silent about the atrocities committed against civilians in Libya, fully aware that the …

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ANC is destroying South Africa: White Farmers land seize without compensation

ANC is destroying South Africa: Herland Report

  Herland Report: ANC is destroying South Africa: South African President Cyril Ramaphosa announced on Tuesday that the African National Congress will move forward in amending their constitution to permit the seizure of white farmers’ lands without compensation. The stolen land will be “redistributed” to poor blacks in the name of righting the inequities of apartheid some 25 years ago, …

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Why Eastern European Nations Reject Muslim Migrants

Why Eastern European Nations Reject Muslim Migrants Raymond Ibrahim, Herland Report

  Herland Report: What accounts for the stark difference between how Western and Eastern European nations respond to Muslim migrants?  The former—including Great Britain, Germany, and Scandinavia—have been welcoming, whereas the latter—including Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia—have not, often vociferously so. Part of the answer, which may surprise some, revolves around history: Eastern European nations have a long and intimate history with, …

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Islam versus Western culture 1500 year battle? Raymond Ibrahim Sword and Scimitar

Islam versus Western culture 1500 year battle? Raymond Ibrahim Sword and Scimitar

  Herland Report: Raymond Ibrahim’s Sword and Scimitar is a history of landmark battles between Islam and the West. Ibrahim offers eight representative engagements across time and space from France to the Middle East, and over a millennium from 636 to 1683. The study is first and foremost riveting military history. It offers blowby-blow concise accounts of the eight battles, and …

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