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Pfizer Experts and others Warn Against a Rushed Covid Vaccine

No reason to panic for Omicron: Getty

  Herland Report: A Rushed Covid Vaccine? A number of experts, including the former scientific director and vice president of Pfizer, are warning that a rushed Covid vaccine could be more dangerous than Covid itself.  These expert voices are the voices that are being prohibited on social media and are the voices that Google makes hard to find.  It seems that …

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The Proof Is In: The Election Was Stolen, writes Paul Craig Roberts

2021 predictions from an expert on Russia, China Paul Craig Roberts on the beach with Hanne Herland

  Herland Report: I have read enough of the fraud reports, affidavits, and statements from election security and forensic experts to be comfortable in my conclusion that the election was stolen. But I am not confident that anything will be done about the fradulent election. The American elite no longer believe in democracy. Consider, for example, the World Economic Forum’s Great …

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Hedge fund managers and the funding of Presidents: Joe Biden inherits trouble

Joe Biden inherits trouble US elections still not over: The Vote Fraud is Overwhelming: Joe Biden, Guardian

  Herland Report: Steve Brown: Donald Trump believes he was setup. Perhaps he was. And, understandably, he wants revenge for three years of harassment on Russia. After all, that’s how he rolls when crossed. But the bigger picture is that Trump owes Sheldon Adelson $80M+ in tribute because that’s what Adelson paid him. Mr Trump owes much of his political …

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The Massive Corona Redistribution of Wealth: Elon Musk richest man #GreatReset

The Massive Corona Redistribution of Wealth: Elon Musk richest man #GreatReset, CEOMagazine

  Herland Report: Tesla Elon Musk and the Corona Redistribution of Wealth: The Green Wave Corona virus makes “philanthropist” billionaires world’s richest now, as funding pours into the hope of a better world post Covid. Musk is now the richest man in the world, second only to Jeff Bezos – whose fortune also has rocketed massively during Corona. And Amazon …

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Netanyahu in first known meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Salman


  Herland Report: Netanyahu in first known meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Salman: Groundbreaking meeting said held in presence of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is seeking to persuade Riyadh to normalize ties with Jerusalem, reports Times of Israel. In the first visit of its kind, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu traveled to Saudi Arabia on Sunday, where he …

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Rudy Giuliani Legal Team Presents Overview of Election Fraud Evidence

Rudy Giuliani Legal Team Presents Overview of Election Fraud Evidence: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Yesterday in a press conference, Rudy Giuliani legal team, Sidney Powell and two other members of the team gave an overview of the evidence. It is overwhelming. There was fraud in the voting machines and software in every state, and massive mail-in ballot fraud in the main Democrat cities where the election fraud is most evident, writes …

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NY BOK fra Hanne Nabintu Herland: “TYRANNI. Hvordan Venstresiden ble den intolerante herskerklassen”

Norske verdier: Boken "Tyranni" av Hanne Nabintu Herland beskriver hvordan venstresiden ble den nye intolerante herskerklassen

  Herland Report: Religionshistoriker Hanne Nabintu Herland er ute med ny bok, Tyranni. Hvordan venstresiden ble den nye, intolerante herskerklassen der hun hevder at sosialistene ble den nye eliten som ikke vil ha mangfold, men totalitær ensretting av samfunnet. Kjøp den her som julegave til familie og alle tenkende mennesker i Norge! Den er også tilgjengelig hos ARK bokhandel, ADLIBRIS, …

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2.7 Million Trump Ballots Deleted; Alleged Ballot Fraud in Dominion Voting Systems

Trump's Presidency: Requiem For Donald Trump: Herland Report AFP

  Herland Report: Ballot Fraud in Dominion Voting Systems? With the American election still undecided, lawyers are working to determine whether the reported media victory for Joe Biden was determined by voter fraud. This voter fraud was allegedly made possible through backdating mail in ballots, allowing unregistered voters to vote, counting days past the election, and it all systematized by …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite