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Silicon Valley guru Jaron Lanier: Too many controlling Facebook algorithms

Jaron Lanier Channel 4 on Facebook algorithms Herland Report

  Herland Report: The amount of Facebook algorithms is at an all time high, most people reaching only to a few of their friends now. What used to be a free spirited platform for everyone, is now probably the most censored platforms. All over the world people complain about being shut down, account deleted, posts “against community standards.” What they …

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Federal Reserve rigging bond markets, do financial markets still exist?

2021 predictions from an expert on Russia, China Paul Craig Roberts on the beach with Hanne Herland

  Herland Report: For many decades the Federal Reserve has rigged the bond market by its purchases. And for about a century, central banks have set interest rates (mainly to stabilize their currency’s exchange rate) with collateral effects on securities prices, writes Dr. Paul Craig Roberts with Dave Kranzler and Michael Hudson. No one should find this a surprising suggestion. …

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Shocking: Rich White Business Men control the Transgender market

Transgenderism Shutterstock Herland Report

Herland Report: The Transgender market is funded by exceedingly rich, white men (and women) who invest in biomedical companies. They are funding myriad transgender organizations whose agenda will make them gobs of money, writes artist, environmental activist and writer, Jennifer Bilek at The Federalist. As an environmental activist who was deplatformed from a speaking venue by transactivists, in 2013 I developed curiosity about …

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Bompengepartiet illustrerer politikerforakten, større enn AP i Bergen

Lars Rønbeck Hanne Herland Report

  Herland Report: Avdemokratiseringen som ligger i at lobbygrupper og markedskrefter i for stor grad preger politikken og politiske avgjørelser, har lenge vært et økende problem i Vesten generelt. Dette er et av tegnene på at noe er fundamentalt galt med parlamentarismen vår og viser at folkemeningen ikke er så viktig lenger for politikere. De har andre og mer viktige …

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Cave of Apelles by Nerdrum School: Joakim Ericsson on Life in Gaming

Cave of Apelles Joakim Ericsson, Herland Report

  Cave of Apelles, produced by Bork Spildo: Co-founder and former Academic Director of the Florence Academy of Art in Gothenburg, Joakim Ericsson, is a creator of fantasy worlds and peak moments. In this month’s Cave of Apelles, he shares his story of how he went from being a classical painter and successful instructor to becoming a digital painter working …

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Dr. Petra Heldt: Muslim Persecution against Christians in the Middle East

Petra Heldt, Hanne Herland Report

  Herland Report (HTV): Persecution against Christians is a massive problem in the Middle East, explains Dr. Petra Heldt, Professor at the Hebrew University and founder of The Ecumenical Theological Research Fraternity in Jerusalem. He  barely survived a suicide attack in Jerusalem in 1989 and stayed over a year at the hospital. After spending decades in the Middle East, she …

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New EU Expansion in Africa under pretext of fighting Islamism?

Joaquin Flores is the chief editor of Fort Russ New

  Herland Report: Joaquin Flores: The upcoming US-EU expansion into Africa to combat China’s massive influence on the continent, places Africa at the center of new attention. We will probably see new wars on the African continent in the years to come. Joaquin Flores, chief editor of Fort Russ News and the director for Center for Syncretic Studies in Belgrade …

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Democrats support drug cartels on the Southern border?

drug cartels on the Southern border: hillary-clinton-Getty

  Herland Report: Drug cartels on the Southern border: In a series of articles, we examine the puzzle: Why does the media discourage president Trump’s fight against the illegal activity along US borders? Who profits from open borders if not the American drug cartels whose criminal activity is dependent on illegal access to the US? Who profits the human trafficking? …

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