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Authoritarian Facebook and Google threaten democracy

Facebook ill.

Herland Report: The US Department of Justice has announced it is opening a wide-ranging antitrust review of “market-leading online platforms,” an unprecedented probe of the tech industry that could heighten calls for Amazon, Facebook and Google to be broken up, writes Washington Post. The effort aims to explore “widespread concerns that consumers, businesses, and entrepreneurs have expressed about search, social …

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New York Times articles go to Government for Approval pre Publishing

Elon Musk on the New York Times: New York Times

  The New York Times has publicly acknowledged that it sends some of its stories to the US government for approval from “national security officials” before publication. New York Times articles go to Government for Approval. This confirms what veteran New York Times correspondents like James Risen have said: The American newspaper of record regularly collaborates with the US government, …

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Cave of Apelles Nerdrum School: Classical Painting in China, Cheng Wu

Classical Painting in China: Cheng Wu. Herland Report.

  Classical Painting in China: This month, Cheng Wu, who is a Chinese classical painter. Technically, he is strongly influenced by the smooth painting style of Eugène Carrière. Philosophically, he follows the Taoist mindset. Produced by Bork Spildo. Watch it here! Wu shares his experiences from being a classical figurative painter in China today. He also addresses unearthing similarities and …

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Thank God CNN the Lie Factory Is Collapsing

Mass Disinformation: Only 29 % trust US media: Herland Report

  CNN the Lie Factory abandoned journalism and became a propaganda ministry for the Democratic National Committee and the corrupt upper echelons of the CIA and FBI.  After three years of telling the most outrageous lies ever associated with an alleged news organization in an alleged democracy, CNN’s viewership collapsed.    CNN turned propaganda ministry saw its primetime viewers shrink …

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Western Madness: Who are the victims, the vulnerable?


  Herland Report: Paul Craig Roberts: Some readers, both male and female, wondered why I came to the defense of feminist Laura Tanner.  Why not, I was asked, let a MeTwo babe experience the name-calling and stress that feminists dish out to men and “women apologists for men”? Justice is part of the answer.  Another part of the answer is …

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Foreign Aid a form of drug addiction #Gaza, Gerald Steinberg

The West does not understand the Middle East - Dr. Gerald Steinberg Herland Report

  Herland Report: We recently sat down with Dr. Gerald Steinberg, discussing foreign aid a form of drug addiction, the politization of Foreign Aid, as billions are funneled to “poor countries” but never seem to reach the poor. The same countries that receive billions of dollars, tend to remain poor regardless of however much is given. The current culture of …

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Kari Jaquesson: Medienes rolle er å skjule hva som skjer i Midtøsten?

Kari Jaquesson Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  Kari Jaquesson: Vi snakker med Norges fitness coach-dronning og TV personlighet, Kari Jaquesson om Syria og Libya og krigene i Midtøsten. Hva skjer bak medienes fasader? Hvorfor stiller flere og flere seg kritisk til den amerikanske narrativen og virkelighetsoppfatningen? Og hvorfor får vi bare presentert synsvinkelen til de ultrarike i USA? Jaquesson hevder at vi er utsatt for grov …

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Russiagate is FBI/Obama/Hillary conspiracy against Trump


  We revisit the RussiaGate allegations that CNN so fervently pursued and portrayed as “a fact” for more than two years. When the story turned out to be a hoax, as the Mueller report confirmed, CNN ratings plummeted. Read the 2018 analysis of one of America’s leading political economists, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, written way before RussiaGate was demolished as …

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Trump UK visit massive success, yet media bent on war with President

Trump UK visit massive success:

  Herland Report: Trump UK visit massive success: President Trump recently came back from the UK, where Londoners were beaming with excitement, eager to greet the American President. Banners, flower arrangements, festivities and celebrations surrounded both the banquet with Queen Elisabeth of England, and the commemorations of the 75 year anniversary of D-Day in World War II. (Feature photo: Sky …

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Migrant Caravan financed from UK, United States – Joaquin Flores

Migrant Caravan financed from UK, United States

  Herland Report: Migrant Caravan financed from UK, United States: The Mexican government recently revealed that they have blocked the financial accounts of at least 26 individuals or identities involved in a mass human trafficking operation which has been operating illegally under the auspices of a ‘humanitarian migrant/refugee caravan’ had come from individuals or institutions in the United States and …

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