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Media theatre designed to hide Trump’s economic progress

Donald Trump NBC

  Don’t let Democrats fool you, writes Adriana Cohen, the state of the union is strong. If you watched President Donald Trump deliver his annual State of the Union address this week, you can see why the left and its mouthpieces in media lob nonstop insults against him and trash-talk his administration. It’s to create a lot of noise and …

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The Massive Immigrant Problem in Europe

Callais immigrant crisis Herland Report AP

  Herland Report: Paul C. Roberts: Nurse in Germany Sends Message that Describes The Camp of the Saints as the Present-day Situation in Germany: “In Europe, truthful information about the Islamic immigrants forced on Europe by the EU, Merkel and George Soros is considered a hate crime and is forbidden. Marine Le Pen, leader of a large political party in …

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Covington High Scandal: Horrible Racism against Whites

Covington High Scandal: Horrible Racism against Whites Herland Report

  Herland Report: The Covington Catholic High incident in Washington DC, January 19th, may be one of the worst demonstrations of racism against whites in America in a long time. We welcome the upcoming letters from Covington Nick Sandmann’s lawyers, preparing for defamation lawsuits against celebrities, news outlets, individual journalists who were remarkably quick to slander Sandmann and his classmates …

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America is cheering for the death of their own culture #Abortion

America is cheering for the death of their own culture #Abortion

  Herland Report: Virginia’s Democratic governor Ralph Northam stands by his support of abortion up to the point of birth which apparently includes while the woman is delivering. “No, I don’t have any regrets,” he says. Northam says that women have the right to be executioners and should be able to determine whether their born-alive infant should live, writes one …

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Ex-ambassadør til Saudi Arabia, Carl Schiøtz Wibye med sterk Saudi kritikk


  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland samtaler med tidligere ambassadør, Carl Schiøtz Wibye om Saudi Arabia, islam, wahhabisme og radikalisme. Wibye viser en bemerkelsesverdig høy kunnskap om det som skjer bak det “muslimske sløret” i Midtøsten, i sin bok Terrorens Rike som ble utgitt etter at han gikk av med pensjon fra stillingen. Vi hadde gleden av å ha Wibye …

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Abortion produces Mass Immigration in the West as we need Workers

Abortion Holocaust causes Mass Immigration:

  Ireland felt the full force of the Liberal Progressive New Left a few years back, as the country was voting whether to keep its strict anti-abortion laws or not. After massive pressure to legalize abortions, Catholic Ireland finally followed the rest of Europe, writes historian and founder of The Herland Report, Hanne Nabintu Herland in her regular column at …

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Upopulære avgjørelser innenriks, Bjørn Nistad

  Den 22. januar ankom Japans statsminister, Shinzo Abe, Moskva der han i flere timer drøftet de japansk-russiske forbindelsene med Vladimir Putin. Blant temaene som ble tatt opp under samtalene mellom de to statslederne, var spørsmålet om statusen til Kurilene, øygruppen Japan gjør krav på etter at den ved avslutningen av annen verdenskrig kom under sovjetisk kontroll, skriver Dr. Bjørn Ditlef Nistad. …

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