Aggressive secularism persecutes Christians in Europe, Sergej Lavrov

Sweden Rape Capital of the West Herland Report

  Herland Report: It is remarkable to see how Russian Foreign Minister, Sergej Lavrov is vocal in the support for Christianity and the respect of religions, while European political leaders  steadily make the point of omitting references to Europe’s religious heritage and traditional values, precisely the foundation that once made the West a great civilization. The world is truly changing …

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Only Donald Trump Can Save America with Our Support

USA nationalism flag America Donald Trump

  Herland Report: Now that the “quid pro quo gate” hoax has collapsed, like the Russiagate hoax, the presstitutes are inventing a new quid pro quo hoax. It wasn’t money that Trump dangled before the Ukrainian president in exchange for an investigation of Ukraine’s contribution to the Russiagate hoax. It was a presidential visit to Ukraine. I listened to the …

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US Kurdish alliance is now Assad Kurdish Alliance

Southfront Syria Military Map Nov 9th 2019

  Herland Report: The silence in the Western media as the Kurds ally with Assad is remarkable. It is described as “natural”, hardly anyone commenting on its implications. Wasn’t it so that Assad is “the devil”? Did we not hear nothing but that for years? The Western narrative has changed dramatically after Russia won the war in Syria. Syria has, …

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Facebook algorithm shuts out those who criticize Feminism?

Facebook algorithm bbc

  Herland Report: Is Facebook bent on destroying Facebook? Suddenly, Facebook, where I have 5000 “friends,” would not allow me to pay them (i.e. to “boost” some articles of mine) because this work no longer met “community standards.” What? Who instituted the Orwellian algorithms that refused to allow me to “boost” an op-ed that I wrote and which RealClearPolitics titled: …

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The Quest for Gold and Oil: Syria Lost.. Lebanon’s Gold is Next

Ukraine IMF Gold: Reuters, The Secret world of Gold and why Modern Monetary Theory is doomed to fail, Steve Brown, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Steve Brown: The largest reserve gold traders on the planet are the six bullion banks. A bullion bank is a large multi-national bank authorized to serve as a conduit through which Central Banks – and the Fed primary dealers – loan their gold out into the market. All central banks lease gold, to maintain their balance sheet …

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Federal Reserve May Not Save Stock Market in Next Recession

Washongton DC Herland Report

  Herland Report: If you’re a long-term investor, the past 10 years have been a thing of beauty. After bottoming out during the great recession, the broad-based S&P 500 (SNPINDEX: ^GSPC), iconic Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJINDICES: ^DJI), and tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite (NASDAQINDEX: ^IXIC) have effectively quadrupled to quintupled in value. But for many investors, the harshest recession since the …

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PODCAST: Racial Awareness Weakens America – Woodley Auguste

Woodley Auguste Hanne Herland Report PODCAST

  Herland Report Podcast host, Hanne Herland speaks with PR guru, Woodley Auguste about how racial awareness weakens the already turbulent United States. “In America, we no longer simply say – I am an American. It’s more about race now, that is the problem,” says the founder of a U.S. based public relations and marketing consultancy, Woodley Auguste, featuring programs …

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Telling the Truth Has Become an Anti-American Act

2021 predictions from an expert on Russia, China Paul Craig Roberts on the beach with Hanne Herland

  Herland Report: Paul Craig Roberst: Stephen Cohen and I emphasize that the state of tension today between the United States and Russia is more dangerous than during the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union. For calling needed attention to the risk of nuclear war heightened by the current state of tension, both Cohen and I have …

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