Russiagate is FBI/Obama/Hillary conspiracy against Trump


  We revisit the RussiaGate allegations that CNN so fervently pursued and portrayed as “a fact” for more than two years. When the story turned out to be a hoax, as the Mueller report confirmed, CNN ratings plummeted. Read the 2018 analysis of one of America’s leading political economists, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, written way before RussiaGate was demolished as …

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TV interview with Ray Bady: Everybody is looking for love and acceptance

TV interview with Ray Bady: Everybody is looking for love and acceptance Herland Report

  Herland Report TV (HTV): “What’s happened with social media is that it has become an entity that is taking over us, rather than us taking over it and using it for that which is good,” says reverend Ray Bady in this program, a famous musician who worked with the leading Chicago music producers before becoming a pastor. He is …

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As We Face Armageddon the Western World Is Leaderless

The American collapse of traditional values: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Paul Craig Roberts: According to news reports, the validity of which cannot be ascertained by the general public, a crazed US government came within ten minutes of igniting a general conflagration in the Middle East, the consequences of which could have been catastrophic for all. The moronic warmongers in high office—Bolton, Pompeo, and Pence—and their Israel Lobby …

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Saudi Donations to American Universities function as Bribes


  Why would the center of illiberalism, religious fanaticism, and misogyny ever sponsor the center of liberalism, secularism, and gender equality? This is the question that crops up when one considers the largesse that human-rights-abusing Saudi Arabia bestows on the leading universities — those putative bastions of progressive, free thinking — in the United States, writes Raymond Ibrahim, Middle East …

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Trump UK visit massive success, yet media bent on war with President

Trump UK visit massive success:

  Herland Report: Trump UK visit massive success: President Trump recently came back from the UK, where Londoners were beaming with excitement, eager to greet the American President. Banners, flower arrangements, festivities and celebrations surrounded both the banquet with Queen Elisabeth of England, and the commemorations of the 75 year anniversary of D-Day in World War II. (Feature photo: Sky …

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Feminism and Criminal Immigrant Destroyed Sweden

Sweden gang rape liberal Heralnd Report

  Herland Report: Feminism and Criminal Immigrant Destroyed Sweden: In Sweden the rape of white Swedish women by black immigrant-invaders never stops. In the latest outrage four Eritreans forced a 13 year old Swedish girl into a bathroom and took turns raping her while filming the gang rape. According to the news report, the vaginal rape was “preceded by violence …

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