War on Wikileaks, breakdown of national sovereignty, Phil Giraldi

War on Wikileaks, breakdown of national sovereignty, Phil Giraldi

  Herland Report: The United States, uniquely among nations, believes that its writ runs all over the world—and that it has a right to use its courts of law to seek retributive justice even in situations that did not involve American citizens and occurred in a foreign land. No other country sends its marshals overseas to forcibly detain fugitives from …

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Hillary Clinton visiting Norway: Pay for Play Clinton Foundation

Pay for Play Clinton Foundation: Børge Brende AP Herland Report

  Herland Report: Norway was recently the focal point of a generous Hillary Clinton visit with the Norwegian Labour Party, March 8, 2019. We assume Clinton is looking for another payment from the Norwegian State to the Clinton Foundation, hoping Labour Party leader, Jonas Gahr Store can help. Leading figures within the Labour Party seemed to pledge allegiance to Hillary …

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Columbia professor Jeffrey Sachs on Syria: We sent CIA to overthrow Assad

Modern Man needs Religion: Herland Report banner

  Herland Report: Professor at Columbia, Jeffrey Sachs admits that the CIA instigated the insurgency in Syria, addressing the issue on national television in America, at the MSNBC studio, shocking the panelists. (Photo: President of Syria, Bashar al-Assad. BBC) Dr. Sachs, who is one of the most renounced US professors, said about Syria: “We have to step back and not …

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Anti-White America: Covington High defamation lawsuit for 250 million dollars

Covington High defamation lawsuit:

  Covington High defamation lawsuit: Between the total collapse of the Covington Catholic story and the embarrassment of the Jussie Smollett hate hoax, 2019 has been a rough year for America’s embattled mainstream media. Now, the hostility toward these supposed guardians of democracy that provided some of the energy behind Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign is about to get its day …

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Forget China, the Internet police are here, says Phil Giraldi

Forget China, the Internet police are already in US - Phil Giraldi Heralnd Report

  Herland Report: Google now automatically disables or limits searches for material that it deems to be undesirable. If Google does not approve of something it will not appear in search results. And what does come up will likely favor content that derives from those who pay Google to promote their products or services. Information that originates with competitors will …

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Anti-White America is the New Normal: The Covington Scandal

Liberal America's hate object number one: White, heter males.

  The Liberal progressive obsession with race – the idiotic notion that being right or wrong corresponds to a person’s skin color – is now also overflooding the Liberal West. It has been efficiently tried out in South Africa. Ever since Marxist ANC took over with Western help, racism against white citizens has exploded in the country. The Identity Politics’ …

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Afghanistan opium soaring 90 % of world production since US invasion

Afghanistan opium trade, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Afghan opium production is 40 times higher since the US-NATO invasion. About 90 percent of the world’s illegal opium is now estimated to come from Afghanistan, writes Mintpress. the U.S.-led NATO invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, the production of opium in the country has increased by 40 times according to Russia’s Federal Drug Control Service, fueling organized …

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The Afghanistan war: The nightmare that shames America

Afghanistan marks Total Failure: Getty

  Herland Report: The Afghanistan war: The nightmare that shames America internationally: After 17 bloody years, the longest war in US history continues without relent or purpose in Afghanistan. There, a valiant, fiercely-independent people, the Pashtun (Pathan) mountain tribes, have battled the full  might of the US Empire to a stalemate that has so far cost American taxpayers $4 trillion, …

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