Regressive Left Dave Rubin: No longer Liberal

Rubin-Report Dave Rubin

  Herland Report: The American talk show host, Dave Rubin, is a well-read, clever and intriguing person to follow. He is vocal about belonging to the Left wing in politics, but grew weary of watching how the Left increasingly turned towards harassment and demonization of its opponents.  What happened to Liberalism as the belief in the right to differ in opinion, …

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How the Authoritarian Globalist Left is killing Free Speech – Kirsten Powers

Kirsten Powers, Herland Report

  Herland Report : Kirsten Powers points out in The Silencing. How the Left is Killing Free Speech that the increasingly illiberal Left’s silencing campaign is a form of “repressive tolerance,” arguing that New Left guru and intellectual father of the 1968 student revolution, Herbert Marcuse openly spoke of the need to curb freedom of speech in pursuit of left-wing …

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Hanne Herland weekly commentaries on World Net Daily, with Ann Coulter, Erik Rush and others

Hanne Herland weekly commentaries on World Net Daily:

  Herland Report: Hanne Herland weekly commentaries on World Net Daily: Follow my weekly, exclusive commentaries for the largest Conservative news outlet in the World, World Net Daily. The focus will be on European matters, foreign policy, independent cultural analysys and the current Western cultural crisis. Other commentators are Ann Coulter, Erik Rush, Joseph Farah, Dinesh D’Souza and many more. …

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Internasjonal boklansering 60 land: Nå tilgjengelig i norske bokhandlere – The Culture War, Hanne Nabintu Herland

Internasjonal boklansering 60 land: Nå tilgjengelig i norske bokhandlere - The Culture War, Hanne Nabintu Herland, Herland Report

  Internasjonal boklansering 60 land: Nå tilgjengelig i norske bokhandlere: Bestselgende forfatter Hanne Nabintu Herland er ute med ny bok som er internasjonalt lansert i over 60 land, nå også i norske bokhandlere. En revolusjonerende analyse av hvordan Vesten mistet sin storhet og hva som skal til for å få varmebehandlet samfunnet slik at vi igjen kan bli opptatt av …

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Obama War president got Nobel Peace Prize

Det vulgære Norge: Herland Report banner

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland: Many hoped for peace when Barack Obama won the USA election in 2008. In Europe, everyone was satisfied by USA’s progressive choice and thrilled to be rid of Republican George Bush. It definitely added to the thrill that Obama was a man of color, which led to Obama being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize …

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IS, Al-Qaida og salafister er brødre – Trond Ali Linstad

Trond Ali Linstad Herland Report

  Herland Report: IS og Al-Qaida – som egentlig er tvillinger – taper i Irak og Syria. Hva skjer med deres ideologiske tenkning, hvilke mål stiller de seg nå? Tro ikke at de er «døde». Fokus her hjemme er kun på dette: Vil de sende flere selvmords-aktivister til Europa; skal vi oppleve flere terrorbomber? Men det er kun én side. …

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CNN says “US won the victory over ISIS” – SITE Intelligence Institute

  Herland Report: “The last ISIS fighters in Raqqa have been killed or surrendered, and the terror group that once held territory the size of the United Kingdom and ruled over 10 million people has been pushed back to a few dusty towns straddling the Syrian border with Iraq”, writes CNN,. Completely downplaying the work of the Syrian Arab Army, …

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The US is leading terrorist state, says Noam Chomsky

  Herland Report: The US is leading terrorist state: Noam Chomsky, one of the most cited scholars in the world, a leading US intellectual and one of the eight most cited in history writes shockingly in TruthOut: “It’s official: The U.S. is the world’s leading terrorist state, and proud of it.” That should have been the headline for the lead story …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite