Tag Archives: Christianity

Mel Gibson blasts Catholic Bishops who cancel traditional Priests: White Martyrdom

Mel Gibson blasts Catholic Bishops: Reuters

  Herland Report: Mel Gibson blasts Catholic Bishops: The iconic Catholic and ‘Passion of the Christ’ director, Mel Gibson recently hit hard on Pope Francis and the current politicized system within the Catholic church as orthodox, traditional priests are being “cancelled” and removed from their jobs. Stating that “There is a parallel, counterfeit church set up to eclipse the real one,” Gibson …

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Islamist demonization of Middle East Christians: Making it acceptable to kill and rape

Social Media does not Stop Muslim hate speech: Nabil H. Salama Executed by jihadists on the accusation that he was acting like a jihadist (Ayat Oraby, right)

  Herland Report: Islamist demonization of Middle East Christians: The recent execution of a Christian man by Muslim terrorists in Sinai showcased a little known but interesting fact: the reason so many “radical” Muslims target innocent “infidels” is often based on projection, a word defined as “the attribution of one’s own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people.” One academic article/book chapter elaborates: “Projection allows …

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Post Martin Luther: The Church is focusing on ending the divisions

Post Martin Luther: The Church is focusing on ending the divisions, Herland Report Getty

  Five hundred years ago, a previously unknown German monk, Martin Luther, posted a set of statements on the door of a church in Wittenburg, writes The Trumpet. “Historians still debate whether this actually happened, but it is a potent symbol of the start of the Protestant Reformation, which split the Catholic Church and led to numerous, vicious wars. Luther’s …

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The Protestant and Catholic Church: From Division to Communion Vatican II

The Protestant and Catholic Church: From Division to Communion: Pope Francis Reuters

  Herland Report: The Protestant and Catholic Church: From Division to Communion: Post Martin Luther, now 500 years down the line, the Church has gone from division to reconciliation, shows a Pew Research Religion report.  The Trumpet gives this report on the matter: From the Catholic perspective, Protestants were the rebels who divided the church against Christ’s clear commands for unity. …

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The Western culture of Suicide: How can we find peace?

Atheist Emptiness: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Quest for inner peace in a culture of Suicide: The West is experiencing a massive suicide epidemic. Among celebrities as well as regular individuals who struggle to find inner peace in a world of massive upheaval. The numbers are alarming among Americans, suicide is now the 10th leading cause of death. The rate has increased 30 % …

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TV interview with Reginald Davis: USA – same fate as the Roman Empire?

 Reginald Davis new book: God's Truth to Youth: Herland Report

  The Herland Report TV (HTV): Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks with reverend Dr. Reginald Davis about American moral decline and the end of the Roman Empire. What are the similarities? Fortunate to have Dr. Davis appear on a regular basis at The Herland Report, we highly value his opinions. With deep insight into the current cultural upheaval in the United …

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Marxists demonize the Bible to hide how Great the West used to be

Hagia Sophia, Istanbul Jesus Christ golden mosaic, Herland Report

  Herland Report: The Bible Viewpoint: In the West, two very different world views now collide: The historical, Judeo-Christian Civilization versus the Socialist New Left and Atheist push for a New World Order. Modern conservative thought has always discouraged bloody revolution and rather advised the implementation of thoughtful reform. Yet, the Marxist and Communist flair for revolution has now reached …

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Focus on Christianity defined at our YouTube Channel “SPIRIT and FAITH”

Herland Report Spirit and Faith section

  Herland Report: In a series of Herland Report TV programs, we focus on the Christian faith. This is part of the launch of our “Spiritual Lifestyle” segment in the YouTube channel that already reaches millions. Exclusive shorts with Dr. Chuck Crismier, an American veteran attorney, author of several books, pastor and a national radio host mark the launch. Today, …

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