Tag Archives: Christianity

The Return of Russian Conservatism after Century of Socialism – Liberalism: Important book by Glenn Diesen

Glenn Diesen new book Russian Conservatism. Managing change under Permanent Revolution.

  Herland Report: An important book by professor Glenn Diesen – Russian Conservatism. Managing change under Permanent Revolution gives new insight into Russian conservatism which is making a forceful return after a century of experimenting with socialism and liberalism. BUY it here! Conservatism is about managing change by ensuring that modernization evolves organically by building on the past. Conservatism has …

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Dems try to shut down Christianity, Trump shows different attitude

America is finished says Glenn Beck: Trump indictment, end of PetroDollar marks end of American Hegemony Herland Report Getty

  Herland Report: Last week, I wrote about President Trump walking across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House to inspect the damages from riots at the historic St. John’s Episcopal Church in June, 2020. At the time, he was photographed holding a Bible. The mainstream media could not stop mocking his choice to hold onto that Bible. But why did Trump …

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The Godless Progressive Left hatred of diversity and its Remedy

The Herland Report newsletter: Hanne Nabintu Herland: Sjokkmøte med intolerante nymarxister Herland Report

  Bestselling author, Hanne Nabintu Herland notes in her book New Left Tyranny that the road to Marxist Utopia ignores the way to inner peace. The book by bestselling author, Hanne Nabintu Herland, New Left Tyranny. The Authoritarian destruction of our Way of Life is reaching many in the United States and English speaking nations across the world. The book …

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Erdogan Islamism tightens at the expense of Christianity in Turkey: Hagia Sophia

The origins of Human Rights is Christian theology: Hanne Nabintu Herland at Hagia Sophia, Ayia Sophia, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Exclusive: Hanne Nabintu Herland explains implications of turning historic church into a mosque. The iconic, historic monument Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey, now has been turned into a mosque, reflecting the Islamist intolerance for religious plurality in the Middle East. Hagia Sophia was a centerpiece of Orthodox Christianity, which dominated the Middle East before the Islamic Conquest …

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Jesus Kristus enkle budskap versus sekulær kirkens politikk og maktmisbruk

Hagia Sophia, Istanbul Jesus Christ golden mosaic, Herland Report

  Herland Report: De kulturradikale har dramatisk svekket Europa med en historieløs demonisering av kristendom uten å nyansere mellom kirkeovergrep og Jesu budskap om likeverd, menneskeverd og å elske hverandre. Det siste trenger vi mer enn noen gang i en stadig mer kjærlighetsløs og kynisk kultur. Filosofen Noam Chomsky regnes som USAs kanskje mest kjente intellektuelle og er den mest …

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Persecution: Churches burn all over France, 1000 vandalized in one year #HagiaSophia

Persecution: Churches burn all over France, 1000 churches vandalized in one year #HagiaSophia, AFP Herland Report

  Herland Report: As the Byzantine architectural masterpiece, Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, Istanbul is turned into a mosque, the focus of Islamist intolerance against religious plurality is again in focus.  Hagia Sophia has been seen as a symbol of the secular nature of modern Turkey. With the dramatic change in the status of the original Orthodox Christian church, many view …

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