Tag Archives: hollywood

On Sex and Religion: What is true Love?

On Sex and Religion: Herland Report

  Sexuality is arguably is one of life’s greatest gifts. Christianity explains how God created sex for the unification of marriage, as two individuals share their commitment to love in order to make their way together through the harsh, treacherous landscapes of life. On Sex and Religion: Protected by fidelity, trust and mutual respect, the love between the two also …

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Happy birthday to Melania Trump, the gracious First Lady – Hanne Nabintu

Melania Trump, First Lady. AP. Herland Report.

  Herland Report: In arguably the most evil time in the history of the United States, where domestic forces strive to end democracy in the nation and implement a brutal oligarch rule, Melania Trump entered the stage as the most beautiful first lady since Jackie Kennedy, writes historian, author and founder of The Herland Report, Hanne Nabintu Herland. As a …

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The Jewish question: Why do Marxists and Socialists dislike Jews?

Why do Marxists and Socialists dislike Jews? Carneval in Belgium, 2020.

  Herland Report: Why do Marxists and Socialists dislike Jews? As the pre-war caricatures of Jews again permeate Europe, Hanne Nabintu Herland ponders why Marxists and Socialist always seem to hate the Jews and Israel.  To cite Benny Avni in the New York Post: “Carnival marchers in the Belgian town of Aalst were dressed up as Jewish caricatures, as if …

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Leftist ignorance and Polarization in Politics

Opprøret mot de kulturradikale: Hanne Nabintu Herland, founder of Herland Report

  The US assassination of General Qassem Soleimani has illustrated quite well how little many in the West know about the realities on the ground in the various Middle Eastern countries. There is a rampant black and white polarization in Politics. The killing was instantly politicized domestically by Democrats, as if yet another reason to “remove Trump” in the ongoing …

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General Soleimani is “peace dove” in eyes of Hollywood Democrats?

Soleimani Ali religion trump jesus tellerreport illustration

  Herland Report: The US assassination of General Qassem Soleimani has illustrated quite well how little many in the West actually know about the realities on the ground in the various Middle Eastern countries. The killing was instantly politicized domestically by Democrats and Hollywood, as if yet another reason to “remove Trump”. Remarkably ignorant Hollywood stars and the Democrat Left …

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The media stereotypes and vilifies groups #Arabs – Woodley Auguste

The media stereotypes and vilifies groups #Arabs - Woodley Auguste Herland Report

  The Herland Report TV: “With the media you can virtually inflict propaganda and it will sway thought,” says the founder of a U.S. based public relations and marketing consultancy, Woodley Auguste in this TV interview, featuring programs on the problems of racism and tribalism in America. Woodley Auguste is a seasoned professional with over 15 years experience, an American …

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Hvorfor behovet for demonisering av muslimer?

The Quest for Mental Health: Hanne Nabintu Herland, founder of The Herland Report

  Herland Report: Hvorfor behovet for demonisering av muslimer? Vestlige regjeringer har aktivt bidratt til destruksjon av en rekke Midtøsten stater. Vi trives godt med å «bombe deres land», men får sjokk når de vil «bombe oss». Den synkroniserte demoniseringen av «folkeslag vi misliker», inneholder en rasetenkning med sterke sosialdarwinistiske undertoner. Noen anses som «bunnsjiktet i utviklingen» og vi selv, …

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“Uklippet” versjon av NRK Urix intervju om Trump revolusjonen, Fake News og forsvar av Milo Yiannopolous

The Quest for Mental Health: Hanne Nabintu Herland, founder of The Herland Report

  Herland Report: Det pågår en betydelig revolusjon i USA, der de styrtrike økonomiske elitene som eier mediene (90 % av amerikanske medier eies av 6 bedrifter) får motbør. Meningsmonopolet med utstrakt bruk av sensur som har pågått i mange år, der USA aviser fremstår som rene propaganda talerør for politiske makthavere, får nå motstand fra internet-media og andre alternative …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite