Tag Archives: Islam

Islamic Religious Syncretism: How Islam Mutilates Christ

How Islam Overcame the West: Islamic Religious Syncretism: Istanbul, Hagia Sophia, Turkey

  Herland Report: Islamic Religious Syncretism: Not only does Islam claim Abraham, Moses, and Jesus; it apparently claims post biblical figures, such as Saint George, as well.  So states a recent article on My London, the real point of which is apparently to assert Christian and Muslim “commonalities.” Thus, we learn that “on St George’s Day, which in Eastern Christianity is marked on May …

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Ex-Muslims of Norway leader, Cemal Yucel on Islam and the Picture Ban

Cave of Apelles: Ex-Muslims of Norway leader, Cemal Yucel on Islam and the Picture Ban in the West, Herland Report

  Herland Report:  Cemal Yucel, the founder of Ex-Muslims of Norway, speaks about his choice to leave Islam, the Leftist love for Iconoclasm and the New Left Picture Ban in the West.  Cave of Apelles host, Jan-Ove Tuv points out that Cancel Culture is nothing new. Looking at history, has not cancel culture and toppling of statues always been precursors …

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New Atheist Religion: Secular Messianism

How the West lost its Greatness Hanne Nabintu Herland , Herland Report

  The current lack of moral strength worry many of the leading philosophers in the West.  Among them, the German philosopher who is Europe’s arguably most influential social scientist, atheist Jürgen Habermas. At one point, Habermas dramatically changed his view on the role of religion, stating that his previous assumption of its irrelevance in secular nations was wrong. In his …

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How Google Translate Deceives You and omits information

Google Translate Deceives You: Internet advertising controlled by Google, Facebook #Edward Snowden Herland Report

  Herland Report: Google Translate Deceives You: It’s no secret that Google aggressively censors anything and everything that contradicts the Left’s narrative.  Most, for example, know—or should know—that Google search results yield only what it wants you to see, not what best answers your query (as that may go against the “woke” narrative). But there are more subtle ways that Google …

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Orlando massacre was not anti-LGBT hatred, but anger over Syria and Iraq War

Orlando massacre was not anti-LGBT: Getty

  Herland Report: Orlando massacre was not anti-LGBT: The Enduring False Narrative About the PULSE Massacre Shows the Power of Media Propaganda. Politicians and activists should stop ratifying the fiction that Omar Mateen was motivated by anti-LGBT hatred. It dishonors the victims and obscures the real motive. On the fifth anniversary of the PULSE nightclub massacre in Orlando, numerous senators, politicians …

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Ytringsfrihet har blitt Retten til å mobbe Religiøse, Mohammad Usman Rana

Ytringsfrihet har blitt Retten til å mobbe Religiøse, Mohammad Usman Rana, Herland Report

  Herland Report TV programleder, Hanne Nabintu Herland, har gleden av å presentere enda et TV program med Dr. Mohammad Usman Rana, der han trekker frem den innsnevring i valgfrihet og mangfold som vi nå ser så dramatisk i Norge. Religiøse mennesker – som utgjør over 70 % av den norske befolkningen i følge ISSP 2008 – marginaliseres, mens ateismen …

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Samtale med Mohammad Usman Rana om religionsfiendtlig ekstremisme

Samtale med Mohammad Usman Rana om religionsfiendtlig sekulær ekstremisme, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Å samtale med Dr. Muhammad Usman Rana om religionens rolle i samfunnet har bestandig vært særdeles interessant. Det har vært mange samtaler opp igjennom årene. Vi samtaler rundt tema som hvordan det ble slik at sekularisme ble ensbetydende med ateisme. Hvem omdefinerte begrepet? Hvordan fikk ateismen den totalitære og illiberale makten den har i dag? Da sekularisme …

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Marxists demonize the Bible to hide how Great the West used to be

Hagia Sophia, Istanbul Jesus Christ golden mosaic, Herland Report

  Herland Report: The Bible Viewpoint: In the West, two very different world views now collide: The historical, Judeo-Christian Civilization versus the Socialist New Left and Atheist push for a New World Order. Modern conservative thought has always discouraged bloody revolution and rather advised the implementation of thoughtful reform. Yet, the Marxist and Communist flair for revolution has now reached …

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God Jul med Jesus, sønn av Maria

Christmas and the most significant person in history: jesus-is-born-Christmas-Herland-Report

  Herland Report: Islam er Norges nest største religion. La oss se på muslimenes syn på Jesus, Maria Jesu mor og julens betydning i islam. Den muslimske legen, Trond Ali Linstad, som i mange år har ledet TV programmer og nettstedet koranen.no forklarer: Det er jul, og mennesker feirer Jesu fødsel. Så flott! Jesus er høyt æret og respektert også …

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Muslimer og kristne bør stå sammen – sier Mohammad Usman Rana til Hanne Nabintu

Muslimer og kristne bør stå sammen - sier Mohammad Usman Rana til Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  Herland Report TV (HTV): Hanne Nabintu Herland samtaler med Mohammad Usman Rana om islam, kristendom, intoleransen mot religionsfrihet i Norge, demoniseringen av troende og hva som skal til for at det kulturradikale samfunnet kan bli mer åpent for pluralisme og mangfold. Dr. Mohammad Usman Rana er lege, forfatter og en ledende norsk kommentator, kjent fra media blant annet for …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite