Tag Archives: neo-Marxism

Love is the Remedy: Why do we hate each other so much?

Alarm av Hanne Nabintu Herland: Foto TV2

  Herland Report: Love is the Remedy: Bestselling author, Hanne Nabintu Herland’s book New Left Tyranny. The Authoritarian destruction of our Way of Life explains how the Western transformed from nation states with accountability, stability, prosperous economies to divided, rootless and hedonist subgroups without national unity: How did we break apart in such a dramatic manner? Hatred and strife is …

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Ny-marxismens 68’er ideolog Herbert Marcuse: Undertrykk majoriteten!

Brutally Ruthless Marxism: A study of Karl Marx: Herland Report

  Når folket føler at deres perspektiver undertrykkes og at “ingen hører på befolkningen”, så har dette vært den kulturradikale strategien siden 1960-tallet. Hele poenget var å diskriminere de borgerlige og tradisjonelle verdiene i Europa, slik at minoriteten – hippiebevegelsen – kunne ta makten. Man har brukt “ytringsfriheten” til å strupe ytringsretten til bestemte grupper, de gruppene i samfunnet som …

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The neo-Marxist New Left 1960s revolution: Total Catastrophy

The neo-Marxist New Left 1960s revolution: Herland Report

  Herland Report: The neo-Marxist New Left 1960s revolution: These days universities are the main halls of the neo-Marxist, progressive propaganda that engulfs society and tears down Western stability. It has become a worldwide tendency for neo-Marxist socialists to team up with the 1 % richest capitalists in the world. This is where students learn not to think freely, not …

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Systemic racism manufactured by Elite to control Population and make Millions?

Systemic racism manufactured by Elite: George Floyd FOX Tucker Carlson now announce what we wrote two months ago: George Floyd was not killed by police, but by overdose of Fentanyl Opioid, Herland Report

  Former Arizona police officer-turned conservative political commentator Brandon Tatum unloaded on President Biden and the press for politicizing the Derek Chauvin trial, and insists that so-called ‘systemic racism’ is simply manufactured by politicians and the media to earn votes and make money. “I think we’re living in the twilight zone,” Tatum said of the Chauvin trial. “This conviction, in my …

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Epidemic of Hedonist Loneliness in Godless West

Mental Health: The Meaning of Life: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Epidemic of Hedonist Loneliness: The topic of the hedonist, yet sexually deprived West characterized by loneliness and depression run as themes in Michel Houellebecq’s books, France’s greatest living author. He shocked Europe with books such The Elementary Particles, Whatever, Platform and The Map and the Territory, that can only be described as incendiary. It is literature that …

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Marxists demonize the Bible to hide how Great the West used to be

Hagia Sophia, Istanbul Jesus Christ golden mosaic, Herland Report

  Herland Report: The Bible Viewpoint: In the West, two very different world views now collide: The historical, Judeo-Christian Civilization versus the Socialist New Left and Atheist push for a New World Order. Modern conservative thought has always discouraged bloody revolution and rather advised the implementation of thoughtful reform. Yet, the Marxist and Communist flair for revolution has now reached …

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WND features New Left Tyranny: Socialism, globalism and ‘robbery capitalism’ hand in hand

WND features New Left Tyranny: Socialism, globalism and 'robbery capitalism' now hand in hand, Hanne Nabintu

  Exclusive for WND: Hanne Nabintu Herland wonders how a socialist dictatorship would help Americans in her book New Left Tyranny. The Authoritarian destruction of our way of life.  WND is America’s largest Conservative network with columnists such as Larry Elder, Ann Coulter, John Whitehead, Joseph Farah, Ben Shapiro, Dinesh d’Souza, Pat Buchanan, Dennis Prager, David Kupelian, Jesse Lee Peterson …

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