Tag Archives: Putin

My Memories of Henry Kissinger: A different Interpretation of the Man

My Memories of Henry Kissinger AP: Paul Craig Roberts, Henry Kissinger, Indiana Express

  Henry Kissinger at 100 years of age left the world he temporarily altered for the better after watching the neoconservatives in the Clinton, George W. Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden regimes wipe out his accomplishments. My Memories of Henry Kissinger: Kissinger was not a neoconservative who believed in US hegemony over the world.  He believed in stability.  American power was to …

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How the Cold War Was Resurrected post Gorbachev

Cold War Resurrected: Mikhail Gorbachev Getty

  Herland Report: Cold War Resurrected: My obituary of Gorbachev brought interview requests from three major Russian media organizations. At the risk of being labeled “a Russian agent” I accepted. It was an interesting experience. Russians tend to see NATO on Russia’s border’s as Gorbachev’s fault for not getting in writing the George H. W. Bush administration’s guarantee that NATO …

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Mikhail Gorbachev R.I.P.

Mikhail Gorbachev R.I.P. AFP Photo

  Herland Report: Mikhail Gorbachev was the first President of the Soviet Union and the last Soviet leader. He was the best of the younger generation of Communist Party members who understood, like US President Ronald Reagan, the futility of the Cold War and the needless threat of nuclear Armageddon. Gorbachev also understood that the repressions and hardships of the …

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Europe’s Sad Delusion of Grandeur: Sanctions kill Europe, not Russia

Edward Gibbon analysis: Europe Delusion of Grandeur: Istock

  Herland Report: Europe Delusion of Grandeur: When Russian President Vladimir Putin launched his invasion of Ukraine on February 24, the European Union responded the following day with a package of unprecedented economic sanctions aimed at isolating Russia. The EU, which was praised for displaying “determination, unity and speed” in its response to Putin, was said to be facing a “transformative moment” that would allow the bloc …

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Interview with Iben Thranholm: Russia is defender of Christian faith

Interview with Iben Thranholm: How ironic that Russia is the defender of Christian faith?

  Herland Report TV (HTV): How ironic that when the West leaves the Christian faith and demonizes its own cultural heritage, Russia rises as the defender of the Christian faith, says the Danish theologian, journalist, and queen of the MeToo movement in Denmark, Iben Thranholm. She speaks with the founder of Herland Report, Hanne Nabintu Herland, about the erosion of values …

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The rise of Russia: United States is no longer Master of the World

The rise of Russia: Herland Report

  Herland Report: The rise of Russia: Russia is making great strides in implementing the Geneva agreements of last June. It is bringing Syria back into the concert of nations, preparing to expel Turkey, reconciling Israel and Iran, gaining a foothold in Africa and distributing absolute weapons in Asia. The United States is no longer the master of the world. Those …

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Exclusive: The story of how Russia turned to Conservatism / Glenn Diesen

The rise of Russia: Herland Report

  Herland Report: How may we better understand Russia? Professor Glenn Diesen’s intriguing book, Russian Conservatism discusses Russia’s turn from Atheism to Conservatism, highlighting the country’s return to its history before 1917. Read the exclusive excerpts below. While the steadily weakened West is rapidly moving away from its historical roots, Russia seems to better recall how Communism ended and now …

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Interview Paul Craig Roberts: The Liberal hatred of the White Hetero Male

Paul Craig RobertsAmerica’s Color Revolution and How to Steal an Election

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland, founder of The Herland Report, speaks with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts about the implementation of the racist Liberal theories that now fuse the hatred of the white hetero male. Why does the Democratic Party choose to pull the race card – just like Hitler did – as if good and evil ever corresponds to …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite