Cultural Analysis

Intervju med Iben Thranholm: Åndelig fattigdom preger Europa

Iben Thranholm, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Teolog og journalist, Iben Thranholm er en av Danmarks mest fryktede samfunnsdebattanter. Hun har markert seg som en uredd fritenker som hevder at Europas svøpe er den åndsfattigdom som nå preger vår ekstrem-materialistiske kultur. Se henne på The Herland Report TV Channel. Vi har mistet de indre verdier, mistet den moralske tenkningen som handlet om nestekjærlighet og …

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The Billionaire Rulers of the West: Obsessed with Transhumanism and Postgenderism

Control global health: Bill Gates CEO Magazine Herland Report

  Herland Report: The Rulers of the West: Bill Gates, Jeffrey Epstein, Hillary Clinton, Klaus Schwab, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, Elon Musk… and the mega-billionaires/trillionaires some whose names we do not know — push the postgenderist movement, a subset of transhumanism. A reasonably concise definition and description of postgenderism is found on Wikipedia, see link. “Postgenderism is a social, political and …

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Merry Christmas, the significance of Christianity

The ground-breaking values of Jesus: Merry Christmas, the significance of Christianity, Herland Report

  Herland Report: What is the true significance of Christmas? Why have we celebrated a baby boy born in a manger in Bethlehem for two thousand years in the West? Which values did the Middle Eastern philosopher, life coach and spiritual teacher, Jesus teach? Many wonder why “Merry Christmas” now is rebranded “Happy Holidays.” It is because of the deep …

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Disintegration and the Collapse of America

Civil Unrest Ahead: U.S. Economic Suicide: The Collapse of America: Huffington Post.

  Herland Report: The Collapse of America: Andrei Martyanov’s book Disintegration: Indicators of the Coming American Collapse“ is well worth reading. It took Russia twenty years to return to being a normal state with a vibrant economy, powerful armed forces and self-respect, but Russians still had a nation, even in those horrifying times of the 1990s so-called “liberal” experiment. “The United …

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Disintegration: Indicators of the Coming American Collapse – Andrei Martyanov

The Coming American Collapse: Facebook US Capitol siege January 6, 2021

  Herland Report: The Coming American Collapse: Andrei Martyanov’s book on imperial decline features a devastating indictment of US political mediocrity, writes Pepe Escobar about Disintegration: Indicators of the Coming American Collapse: “His new book, Disintegration, completes a trilogy and in the process represents a stunning departure. Here Martyanov, in meticulous detail, analyzes the imperial decline thematically. Chapters on consumption, geoeconomics, …

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Mao Zedong and China: The Most Devastating Catastrophe

Mao Zedong and China: APF

  Herland Report: Mao Zedong and China: The authoritarian Communist leader, Mao Zedong, the founder of the People’s Republic of China, is currently quoted again and again in President Joe Biden speeches. “Mao qualifies as the greatest mass murderer in world history,” says Frank Dikötter, an expert with unprecedented access to the Communist Party archives. Dikötter explains in his book, Mao’s Great …

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Vaccine Killing More People than Covid?

Death From COVID Shots: Shocking lack of Vaccine Safety:  Getty

  Herland Report: Vaccine Killing More People than Covid: Dear Readers: We know that NIH funded gain-of-function research at the University of North Carolina and then in the Wuhan China lab. We know the vaccine does not protect. We know it injects a pathogen into the body. We know the vaccine causes death and illnesses. There are known facts. Yet the …

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Ex-Muslims of Norway leader, Cemal Yucel on Islam and the Picture Ban

Cave of Apelles: Ex-Muslims of Norway leader, Cemal Yucel on Islam and the Picture Ban in the West, Herland Report

  Herland Report:  Cemal Yucel, the founder of Ex-Muslims of Norway, speaks about his choice to leave Islam, the Leftist love for Iconoclasm and the New Left Picture Ban in the West.  Cave of Apelles host, Jan-Ove Tuv points out that Cancel Culture is nothing new. Looking at history, has not cancel culture and toppling of statues always been precursors …

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