Middle East/Africa

African Union blame Norway for Sudan Civil War 2013: Political Foreign Aid

Africa Gaddafi reaction USA Herland Report

  Herland Report: Norway’s role in the politization of NGOs using foreign aid as a means to control African countries has received much criticism over the years. Remarkably little of this harsh criticism is reflected in the mainstream Norwegian media. The Norwegian involvement in South Sudan, both in setting up the state and consequently the following civil war is an …

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Hanne Nabintu Herland on Liberty Report with Dr. Ron Paul

Hanne Herland on Ron Paul Liberty Report

  Herland Report: Historian and author, Hanne Herland speaks to Dr. Ron Paul at The Liberty Report about her new book “The Culture War. How the West lost its Greatness and was Weakened from Within”, stating that the West has left its initial value system and become entrenched in a culture of greed, selfishness, materialism and no mercy with people …

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Amal Wahab støtte til terrorister i Syria? Eva Thomassen

  Amal Wahab støtte til terrorister i Syria? Journalist i Klassekampen, Amal Wahab er et klassisk eksempel på den type propagandajournalistikk som gjør at den vestlige befolkningen ikke får et nyansert bilde av Syria krigen. Den skandaløse vestlige støtten til terroristgrupper preger aktivt vestlig strategi med USA i spissen, til tross for den omfattende dokumentasjonen som viser at det er …

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Arbeiderpartiet har krigsforbryter til leder? Jonas Gahr Støre

Jonas Gahr Støre Hillary Clinton Hadja Tajik Anniken Huitfeldt

  Herland Report: Arbeiderpartiet har krigsforbryter til leder? Det er komplett uforståelig at det går an å stemme på Arbeiderpartiet så lenge de har en leder som Jonas Gahr Støre.  Det er bare en årsak til at Gahr Støre ikke ble sendt til den internasjonale krigsdomstolen i Haag (ICC) etter Libyakrigen: Han er en vestlig, hvit leder som slipper å …

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NATO støtter destabilisering av Ghouta, Syria – Eva Thomassen


  Herland Report: Den som leser mellom linjene, forstår at vi står overfor et skittent spill i Ghouta, som nå bevitnes og forstås av langt flere vanlige mennesker enn vestlige ledere ser ut til å ha fått med seg. Folk er ikke så naive som krigshissere som VG vil ha det til. Vi gjennomskuer propagandaen, vi forstår at VGs rolle …

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War to protect the Drug Industry, Protecting Afghan Opium?

War to protect the Drug Industry, Protecting Afghan Opium? Afghanistan USA Drug Industry production Herland Report AP

  War to protect the Drug Industry, Protecting Afghan Opium? It is well-documented that the U.S. government has – at least at some times in some parts of the world – protected drug operations, states Global Research. Do American banks also launder money for drug cartels? See this, this, this and this. Indeed, drug dealers kept the banking system afloat …

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White Helmets bedrageriet “Last Men in Aleppo” – Eva Thomassen

White Helmets bedrageriet

  Herland Report: White Helmets bedrageriet: Filmen ”Last Men in Aleppo” er vist over hele den vestlige verden, fått priser, fått folk til å gråte, klappe og gi enda flere penger til 3000 ”redningsheltene” i White Helmets. Men hvem er egentlig White Helmets og hvorfor får vi bare høre bruddstykker om hvem som står bak disse organisasjonene? På Herland Report …

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Moderate rebels used to legitimize US coup in Syria? – Tim Hayward

Bashar al Assad Syria Donald Trump

  Herland Report: Moderate political opposition does not involve or support taking up arms against the government, let alone against unarmed fellow citizens.  This proposition would be treated as self-evident in our own country, so why are people seemingly ready to discard it when talking about Syria, writes professor at Edinburgh University, Tim Hayward.     Moderate uprising does not …

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Crisis in Libya as Tawergha tribe is attacked by Misrata militia

Photo from the current Tawhargha crisis in Libya, February 2018. Tawergha tribe is attacked.

Tawergha tribe is attacked: After 7 years of being homeless, the Tawergha tribe had negotiated with the tribes of Libya and the UN government in Tripoli, to be allowed to return to their rightful homes in Libya. The negotiations were successful and even the military council of Misurata agreed that they should be allowed to return to their homes, writes …

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Senator Richard Black endorses Saif al-Islam Gaddafi for Presidency Libya


  Virginia State Senator, Richard H. Black, is a strong patriot and veteran. He is a man who has taken his personal time to understand the conflicts in North Africa and the Middle East. Senator Richard Black endorses Saif al-Islam. Senator Black traveled to Syria to meet with President Assad so that he could understand the truth about what was …

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