Middle East/Africa

VG nekter tilsvarsrett om norsk bistand til Syria – Eva Thomassen

Norwegian Aid Industry Syria: East Aleppo CIty Council Eva Thomassen Herland Report Syria

  Herland Report: Norsk bistand til Syria: Eva Thomassen nektes tilsvarsretten i VG, i kjølvannet av at Tore Bergsaker i Faktisk.no, som eies av de ledende mediene, “faktasjekket en setning” i et Thomassen argument, nemlig spørsmålet om hvor milliardene som Norge gir til Syria havner. Det er temmelig utrolig. Når Thomassen kontakter VG for å bruke tilsvarsretten, nektes hun dette. …

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Libya was Hillary Clinton’s War – Julian Assange to John Pilger

Julian Assange Herland Report AP

  Listen to British award winning journalist, John Pilger in conversation with Assange. WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange says Libya was Hillary Clinton’s War and speaks of the events that took place when the Libya war began in 2011, and what the leaked emails have revealed: “Clinton perceived the removal of Gaddafi and the overthrow of the Libyan state as something …

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Saudi Arabia Ambassador, Carl Schiøtz Wibye: Wahhabism Responsible for Extremism


  Herland Report: Norway’s former ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Carl Schiøtz Wibye, analyses the Saudi Arabian Wahhabism as a sect, a sunni-extremist deviation within Islam that today is causing problems. He explains how oil money has been fuelled into exporting radical ideology, that in many aspects breaks off from traditional Islam. He states that these Wahhabi-extremist trends first permeated the …

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Reported atrocities by Libyan National Army, Khalifa Haftar

General Haftar Libya Getty

What is ahead for the fate of Tripoli in the days ahead remains to be seen, but many Libyans seem to disagree with Western leaders who are embracing General Khalifa Haftar, who has ordered his soldiers to commit war crimes. This is according to The Guardian, and evidence that has been analysed by senior legal experts. Both Amnesty International and …

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Libia L’Indro: Saif al-Islam Gheddafi e le verità nel suo memorandum

Saif al Islam Gheddafi e le verità Sputnik

Saif al Islam Gheddafi e le verità: Domani in esclusiva per l’Italia le accuse del figlio del rais contro Occidente alleato a Golfo e Organizzazioni internazionalizzazione.  Il 23 ottobre Saif al Islam Gheddafi, figlio dell’ex rais della Libia, Muhammar Gheddafi, ha fatto diffondere un memorandum dal titolo: ‘Memorandum on Libya: fabbrications against the State, leadership and army’. Si tratta di …

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Faktafeil fra Tore Bergsaker Faktisk om Syria, Eva Thomassen

Faktafeil fra Faktisk om Syria, Norge og Al Qaida:

  Herland Report: Faktafeil fra Faktisk om Syria, Norge og Al Qaida: Med Tore Bergsaker artikkel viser Faktisk, som eies av de ledende medier, at de tjener deres politiske interesser gjennom støtte til den ensidige fremstillingen av konflikten i Syria. Bergsaker serverer faktafeil etter faktafeil i VG analysen av sosiolog og krigsreporter Eva Thomassens arbeid. Man delegitimerer hele Faktisk prosjektets …

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IS, Al-Qaida og salafister er brødre – Trond Ali Linstad

Trond Ali Linstad Herland Report

  Herland Report: IS og Al-Qaida – som egentlig er tvillinger – taper i Irak og Syria. Hva skjer med deres ideologiske tenkning, hvilke mål stiller de seg nå? Tro ikke at de er «døde». Fokus her hjemme er kun på dette: Vil de sende flere selvmords-aktivister til Europa; skal vi oppleve flere terrorbomber? Men det er kun én side. …

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Western-Made Arms in Terrorist Syria

Deir-el-Zor-Syria, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Daesh and al-Nusra Front have received “rockets, machine guns, anti-air weapons and even tanks in exchange for oil stolen from wells in Syria and Iraq,” the Syrian Defense Ministry claims. On Monday, the Ministry released footage of the arms confiscated from different terrorist organizations, including Daesh (ISIS) and rebranded al-Nusra Front, along with the report, where it …

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The ICC case against Saif Al-Islam Qaddafi should be dropped

  Before the uprising, Saif Al-Islam was the architect of the new Libya. He presented his new vision of Libya free of political prisons, committed to human rights charter, distribution of wealth, prosperity and democracy. He embarked on political and economic reforms in Libya whereby the radical Islamic prisoners gained their freedom, rehabilitated and engaged in the Libyan society. Once …

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Saif al-Islam Gaddafi to return to power – Hanne Herland interview L’Indro


  Herland Report:The whole Western ideology of US supremacy and “Western democracy to rule the whole world” is now on its death bed, as recently stated by UK Prime Minister Theresa May when meeting with Donald Trump. Interview by Giulia Di Marcantonio, L’Indro, 21.2.2017. Republished interview with the Italian newspaper L’Indro, the English version: In your opinion, the right solution for …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite