Middle East/Africa

How to start a Revolution and create Regime Change

How to start a Revolution #Ukraine Libya Jugoslavia - Joaquin Flores, Herland Report

  Herland Report TV: How to start a Revolution: “Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria were all planned revolutions”, says political scientist, graduate from California State University and editor-in-chief, Joaquin Flores in this interview in a series for the Herland Report TV. We had the pleasure of a sit down with the accomplished journalist, who has in-depth knowledge and experience on how to …

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Did the United States Win the Cold War, or who will?


  Herland Report: According to popular consensus, by 1991 the USSR lost the Cold War. However, it may be that the USSR’s ‘loss’ and subsequent emergence of the Russian Federation put Russia ahead of the game. If the United States had truly won the Cold War, NATO would be history, and the US would have turned its swords to plowshares. …

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War in Ukraine: We Are Heading for a Global Food Catastrophe

  Herland Report: Global Food Catastrophe: The invasion of Ukraine is a horror and has already cost thousands of lives. But this conflict may also destroy millions of lives far from the battlefield. The war is particularly detrimental to the global food system, which has already been weakened by Covid-19, by climate change and by high energy prices. If this …

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The Looting of Africa under corrupt African leaders? George Soros Open Society

Washing copper Africa exploited Herland Report AP

  Herland Report: In light of the current globalist trend where financial acrobats are rigging and manipulating the financial markets in an unprecedented scale, Africa is a continent worth looking at. Hedge fund managers such as George Soros has long been invested in the continent, this article explains how. Anglo-Dutch cartels in oil, strategic minerals, and diamonds, have looted and …

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Sadly, the American Empire Destroys the Trust in its own Dollar

US Power Will Decline: The Western New World Order: US-dollar-Daily-Expres

  Herland Report: The recent escalation U.S. sanctions blocking Europe, Asia and other countries from trade and investment with Russia, Iran and China has imposed enormous opportunity costs – the cost of lost opportunities – on U.S. allies. And the recent confiscation of the gold and foreign reserves of Venezuela, Afghanistan and now Russia, along the targeted grabbing of bank …

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Ukraine-Russia War: Europe will be the Economic Loser

The American quest to weaken Europe: EU Getty

  Herland Report: Ukraine-Russia War: The strategy of imposing economic sanctions in order to hurt Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, may produce an economic fallout that is different from what the leadership in Europe currently expects. The question is who will the sanctions hurt the most? Who will be the the economic losers from the steadily widened Ukraine-Russia conflict …

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George Soros and South Africa’s transition from Apartheid to Robbery Capitalism

Billionaire Capitalism South Africa's transition from Apartheid to Robbery Capitalism:Reuters Herland Report

  Herland Report: South Africa’s transition from Apartheid to Robbery Capitalism: South Africa’s transition from apartheid to polyarchy provides a devastating example of the power of capitalism to penetrate and dismantle a vibrant movement demanding massive social change and effectively harmonize them into a neoliberal social order. Efforts to promote forms of democracy where the majority act as participants, not …

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