Religion and Faith

Darwinism Remains a Theory, Was never Proven

Darwinism Remains a Theory, Was never Proven - WND Herland Report

  We have been taught for decades that Charles Darwin proved how man evolved from apes, in a linear evolution from amphibians at sea. This is not true. Evolution from one species to another has never been proven, only slight variations within species is documented. The idea preached in almost every classroom in the West has been that sea creatures …

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Atheist Science and Empiricism as Religious Belief

Science is atheist new religion: Hanne Herland

  Hanne Herland counters those presenting empiricism as a ‘complete atheist religion’ in her weekly WND column.  Atheist Science: Today many view “modern social science” and “empiricism” – the practice of basing theories on testing of data derived from human experiences – as if these are infallible, objective entities. People believe in the social sciences as though they were a …

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We need empathy: What can motivate us to do good to others?

The need for Faith in God:Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  This has become the age of depression and loneliness. Social bonds are withering, the atheist way of life is popular, the culture of fear is rampant – everywhere. It seems as though the more you hail free sex, the lonelier people get. How can this be? More than 50 % of the American population now live alone, writes historian …

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The belief in Modern Science as if it is a Religion

The belief in Modern Science as New Religion, Herland Report

  Modern Science as Religion: In the 1800s, empiricism became a popular way of examining the world, according to the observable by the human eye. Auguste Comte declared that the only matter we may know as “facts” are those derived from human experience. It was a good method in natural science, mathematics and within other disciplines, Hanne Nabintu Herland writes …

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Vast difference between Conservative early Feminism and the Radical Man Hating Rage of the 1960s

Conservative Feminism: Hanne Nabintu Herland

  There are vast differences between the conservative feminist movements in the early 1900s and the radical left-wing 1960s feminism that now dominates the narrative. The early women’s movement fought for equal social-political rights and respected the differences between the sexes. It culminated in the Suffragette movement in the 1920s and was defined by free-spirited activism, demanding full participation in …

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Defenders of the West: The Left’s strategy to turn children against parents and crush cultural stability

To turn children against parents: The “recruitment” of future janissaries — Christian children enslaved into becoming Muslim jihadists

  “Christianity was saved in Europe solely because the peoples of Europe fought. If [Europeans]…had not possessed a military equality with, and gradually a growing superiority over the Mohammedans who invaded Europe, Europe would at this moment be Mohammedan and the Christian religion would be exterminated.” — Theodore Roosevelt I came across Roosevelt’s observation in Raymond Ibrahim’s recent book, Defenders of the …

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Remembering Alexandr Solzhenitsyn: Soviet Atheist Repression now engulfs the West

Soviet Atheist Repression Alexandr Solzhenitsyn: Cinema

  As totalitarianism and a remarkable intolerance of diversity of opinion is implemented in the United States, the memories of the repressive atheist Soviet system and its Gulag prisons are worth revisiting. The Christian thinker, novelist and Nobel Prize laureate 1970, Alexandr Solzhenitsyn spoke vividly about the results of the atheist experiment in the Soviet Union. Solzhenitsyn is referred to …

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Bestselgerne Alarm og Respekt skapte mediestorm – Hanne Nabintu Herland

Bestselgerne Alarm og Respekt skaper mediestorm: Hanne HErland report

  Alarm og Respekt: Det er nå over femti år siden 1968 og studentrevolusjonen som smadret i fillebiter de tradisjonelle verdiene i Europa. Den ny-marxistiske, såkalte New Left bevegelsen i USA gikk lenger enn marxistene før dem, som ønsket en klasserevolusjon. New Left 68erne ønsket mer en det, de ville også ha en kjønnsrevolusjon, en revolusjon i familien, i forholdet …

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The Scorned Christian Values of Martin Luther King Jr.

The Christian Martin Luther King, BBC

  Herland Report: Somehow the Christian preacher, Dr. Martin Luther King, who later was martyred, is not so popular anymore. His message of justice, Christian values, non-violence does not fit well into the Marxist Black Lives Matter narrative. Nor does it suit the current establishment, but that does not make these values less relevant. Precisely the quest for justice, yet …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite