Religion and Faith

BREXIT comes because the EU forgot to defend Europeans

Påskens budskap, Hanne Herland

  Herland Report: The EU forgot to defend Europeans: The main mistake of the EU has been that its leaders forgot to defend the interests of the people. They forgot to defend their own. The EU leadership has scorned traditional European values, belittled Europe’s historical greatness and its past, forgotten about the European workers, left European culture to die silently. …

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Exclusive interview with Bishop Harry Jackson: Black Churches are The Best

Bishop Harry Jackson: Racism, lynching of blacks, KKK and the need for racial healing Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  Herland Report host, Hanne Herland speaks to Bishop Harry Jackson about why Black Churches are The Best in the United States. Or are they? [pullquote]Master Jesus’ focus was outwardly angled: How can we do good, do justice, notice others, be kind, be honest, be faithful in service of human kind?[/pullquote] Bishop Jackson is a regular guest at CBS, 700 Club, …

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How do we survive this age? The story of David McNinch

David McNinch Herland Report in studio

  Herland Report TV host, Hanne Herland speaks with David McNinch about the American society view from a regular citizen, about drug abuse, financial crisis, rock music and faith. Watch it here. [pullquote]For many inmates, I would be the first person they see when coming out of prison. [/pullquote] “As for my life, it required an entire break-down. Only then …

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Stop European anti-Semitism, stop intolerance!


  Herland Report: The month of December, 2019 has been the worst in a long time regarding soaring anti-Semitism, by which we mean hostility to, prejudice or racism against Jews: The negative evaluation of individuals based on ethnic origin. The disdain for Jews as a group and Israel as a nation, as if “all Jews” are evil and “everyone in …

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2019 Herland Report har hatt betydelig vekst, se tema i 2020

Hanne Nabintu Herland

Et vidunderlig nytt år ønskes alle! Herland Report har dette året hatt en betydelig vekst, levert intervjuer og artikler med verdens ledende intellektuelle, og hatt bred inngang blant annet i sentrale politiske miljøer i USA. Vi har kunnet åpnet rommet for informasjon om det som foregår bak medie-fasadene, her siste nye artikkel om hvor Jeffrey Epstein fikk pengene sine fra, …

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How the Son of Betlehem, Jesus Christ transformed the world

  Herland Report: Jesus Christ transformed the world: Born in a manger, far from society leaders and presidential palaces, the symbolism of Jesus’ birth carries oceans of hope for those less fortunate. And for the rich: he was worshipped by Eastern astrologers who found his star and brought their wealth to lay down at his feet. And this was his …

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We are to meet the needs of those who Suffer – KirbyJon Caldwell

KirbyJon Caldwell Texas USA Herland Report

  Herland Report TV (HTV): “Racism, classism, materialism, imperialism – Jesus opposes all those -isms,” says reverend Kirbyjon Caldwell, one of the leading spiritual leaders in America and Senior Pastor of Windsor Village Methodist Church in Houston, Texas. We had the pleasure of a sit down with the famous pastor, to hear his take on current affairs in the United …

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Nordmenn grundig rundlurt av media, hør hva Jan Hanvold bruker pengene til

Jan Hanvold Herland Report

  Herland Report: Et liberalt samfunn skulle være liberalt. Man skulle godta meningsforskjeller og ulike måter å leve på. Slik er det ikke i Norge. Vi har lenge levd under særdeles totalitære og intolerante medier som i altfor stor grad nekter det norske folk nyansert informasjon. Se bare på behandlingen av Jan Hanvold og hør hva Hanvold blant annet bruker …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite