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Americans are OK with Ukraine losing the war to Russia, a poll reveals


Herland Report: Ukraine losing the war: 43% among Americans are ok with Ukraine losing the war and believe the sanctions hurt Americans more than Russians, a recent poll shows.

The monthly Democracy Institute/ poll of 1,500 Americans who are “likely voters” has shown that 43 percent are “OK” with Ukraine losing compared to 41 percent “not OK” while 16 percent have no opinion.

This comes despite the heroic attempts of Ukraine President Zelensky to garner worldwide support against the Russian invasion, writes the

But Democracy Institute has warned that the reason for this is “cynicism” of Government policies created by the fact “at least half of Americans thought they were hoodwinked over Covid” lockdowns.


Ukraine losing the war: Democracy Institute poll
Ukraine losing the war: China and Iran are seen as greater threats by Americans than Russia (Image: Democracy Institute)


Ukraine losing the war: In another worrying development, Americans also appear to be losing confidence in the sanctions regime against Vladimir Putin’s Russia with 53 percent believing it hurts the USA more with the cost of living crisis the top political issue.

The findings are yet another blow to the Democrats and Joe Biden with voters clearly showing their intention to back the Republicans in the midterm elections in November by 50 percent ro 42 percent.

While Biden polls negatively in all policy areas one of the worst is foreign policy where 56 percent disapprove compared to 40 percent approve.




In fact according to the poll for a second month in a row more Americans believe that it would be better for Biden to leave office than Putin by 53 percent to 44 percent.

Only 38 percent approve of Biden’s handling of the Ukraine crisis compared to 52 percent disapprove.

And there is a reluctance to have Putin removed from power by 48 percent to 46 percent.


Ukraine losing the war: Democracy Institute poll
Ukraine losing the war: Americans on balance believe sanctions hurt them more than Russia (Image: Democracy Institute)


Ukraine losing the war: They also only see Russia as the fourth biggest threat on 16 percent behind China (42 percent), Irain (20 percent) and North Korea (18 percent).

The findings show that foreign policy has not save Biden’s presidency and now 63 percent do not believe he will be reelected in 2024.Read the full article here.


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