Tag Archives: brexit

Portrettert i NRK P2 om hvordan avisredaktører ødelegger norske medier

The Quest for Mental Health: Hanne Nabintu Herland, founder of The Herland Report

  Avisredaktører ødelegger norske medier: Se NRK portrett I NRK P2 om hvordan det er å bo i Brasil, hvorfor jeg liker brasilianere så godt. Jeg snakker også om det trange medierommet i Norge som så godt kontrolleres av “gutteklubben grei.” Redaktørene i ulike aviser samkjører stoffet slik at avisene omtrent sier det samme, nå sist illustrert gjennom hvorledes samtlige …

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Medieledere sitter fast i 1968, evner ikke analysere nåtiden #Trump #Brexit

Conservative National Values Resurrection: DailyNewsMax-donald-Trump-state-of-the-union-pelosi

Herland Report: Medieledere sitter fast i 1968, evner ikke analysere nåtiden: Donald Trump’s State of the Union tale vektla den massive økonomiske veksten i USA. USA har  laveste arbeidsledighet på 50 år, høyeste levestandardøkning på mange år, hundretusenvis ut av fattigdom, laveste arbeidsledighet for svarte på tiår, handelsavtale med Kina. Med rekordhøy oppslutning om presidenten på 49 %, sier det …

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BREXIT comes because the EU forgot to defend Europeans

Påskens budskap, Hanne Herland

  Herland Report: The EU forgot to defend Europeans: The main mistake of the EU has been that its leaders forgot to defend the interests of the people. They forgot to defend their own. The EU leadership has scorned traditional European values, belittled Europe’s historical greatness and its past, forgotten about the European workers, left European culture to die silently. …

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Boris Johnson signs BREXIT DEAL

EU forgot to defend Europeans Boris Johnson. Crown-Photo-Boris-Johnson-Sign-Brexit

  Herland Report: Historic moment: UK prime minister, Boris Johnson who today signed the historic Brexit agreement in Downing Street. January 31, 2020 the United Kingdom will leave the EU at 11 am. European leaders signed the agreement earlier on Friday, and it was then transported by train to London. The prime minister said that it was time to bring …

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Boris Johnson considers halt in BBC TV License Fee: Too Much Socialist Bias

boris johnson majority 2019

  Herland Report: Is socialist bias what we get for paying millions to BBC and other state funded media structures? The British prime minister, Boris Johnson, is considering to de-criminalize the payment for the annual TV lisence that every Brit pays – almost as a mandatory tax – after the massive allegations of socialist bias post the election. The close …

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Boris Johnson Moment: Long Live Conservative Great Britain!

jpg boris johnson majority 2019

  Herland Report:  The historic UK election with Boris Johnson Churchillian moment said to set the standard for many years to come, gave the Conservatives a massive victory. The British people voted Brexit years ago. This is the second time they vote on the same matter. We wrote: The power struggle between the EU globalists and the British people over …

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Boris Johnson Brexit success?


  Herland Report: Most UK firms support Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal in what could be Johnson’s moment in redefining British politics. For long, the threat of Parliament stopping Brexit – the will of the people – has angered many in the British public. It has become a quest for democracy in Britain – or the end of it. The central …

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Brexit stopped by Supreme Court, Paul C. Roberts

Brexit spiked Herland Report Paul C Roberts

When the British people voted Brexit from the European Union, I said in many interviews, and I suppose also in written columns, that I doubted it would ever happen.  It has been three years, and it has not.   [pullquote]Washington expressed its view to the UK government that it was not in Washington’s interest for the UK to exit the EU. In other …

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Anti-EU nasjonal selvråderett hetses. Er folkestyre “fienden”?

Anti-EU nasjonal selvråderett hetses. Er folkestyre "fienden"? Hanne Herland Report

  Anti-EU nasjonal selvråderett hetses. Er folkestyre “fienden”? Vi som er en del av den europeiske grasrotbevegelsen som opponerer seg mot statlig overformynderi og de kulturradikale elitenes kontroll i mediene, har gode dager nå, skriver religionshistoriker og grunnlegger av Herland Report, Hanne Nabintu Herland. Folk har vel aldri folk vært så bevisst at de utsettes for en bevisst propaganda fra …

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On BREXIT: EU is unpopular because it does not speak for the people

Getty boris Johnson Politico Herland Report

  Herland Report: The EU is unpopular because it does not speak for the people. The EU will be the only loser if it plays games over Britain’s departure, writes Marcus Krall at The Spectator. The EU is unpopular in so much of Europe precisely because it does not speak for the people it purports to represent. “If you have 10 …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite