Tag Archives: #HerlandReport

Herland Report interview with Chuck Crismier: How the religion of Feelings is destroying our Culture

Chuck Crismier Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  Herland Report TV host, Hanne Herland speaks with Chuck Crismier about the media demonization of Christians, psychology and the religion of feelings. As the traditional, Western worldview is scrapped and atheist Marxism implemented, historic values evaporate such as self-control, civility, politeness and respect for diversity and the right to differ in opinions.   “The media is not interested in promoting …

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The correlation between Social Disorder and Christian Decline

Hanne Herland, Herland Report atheism

  There are a number of perplexing developments in the West that few in the mainstream media wish to discuss. Among them, the correlation between Christian decline and the rise of atheist Western anarchy. Beneath the glossy wrapping of materialism, hedonism and technological advancement, there is an alarming rate of social disorder and mental unrest. Herland Report:  There is a …

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TV interview: Dr. Brenda Caldwell Dr.B talks about Drug Epidemic and its remedy

Brenda Caldwell Hanne Herland Report

  Brenda Caldwell Dr.B about Drug Epidemic: Herland Report TV host, Hanne Herland speaks to Dr. Brenda Caldwell, Dr.B about the Drug Epidemic, pain and suffering in America, and the way out. Dr. Brenda Caldwell, “Dr. B” is a psychologist, an acclaimed empowerment speaker who travels the nation, an acclaimed artist and author with books such as “From Charcoal to …

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TV Interview with William Marshall: George Soros and US drug epidemic

TV Interview with William Marshall: Judicial Watch William Marshall Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  TV Interview with William Marshall: Herland Report TV host, Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks with Judicial Watch’ senior investigator, William Marshall about George Soros elite control, the drug epidemic and financial elites’ use of NGOs to control politics. The United States is engulfed in an unprecedented drug epidemic that we hear remarkably little of in the mainstream media. A startling 27 …

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Hanne Nabintu selvbiografi “Respekt”: Opprøret mot sosialistisk rasisme

The Quest for Mental Health: Hanne Nabintu Herland, founder of The Herland Report

  Hanne Nabintu Herlands bestselger Respekt er en politisk selvbiografi der hun forteller om sin oppvekst i Afrika sør for Sahara og det brutale møtet med jantelovens Norge. Her beskrives hvordan hun raskt forsto at kravet til å tenke likt og mene det samme sto særdeles sterkt i Norge. Herland kom til Norge rundt midten av 1980-tallet og det kulturradikale …

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More whites brought as slaves to North Africa than blacks to US

More whites brought as slaves to North Africa than blacks to US Larry Elder

  Herland Report: Black History Month – More whites brought as slaves to North Africa than blacks to US: Apart from the bizarre notion that educators should set aside one month to salute the historical achievements of one race apart from and above the historical achievements of other races. Black History Month appears to omit a lot of black history, …

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Hanne Herland #RT interview: We destroyed Libya

Hanne Herland Report RT

  Herland Report: Highlighting Libya again: Blundering Western policy in the Middle East and elsewhere empowered Islamism and led to a massive increase in the persecution of Christians. “We don’t know what we are doing abroad, any more than at home. The full impact of Western intervention in Libya was recently highlighted during a televised interview of Worlds Apart. Hanne …

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Libya Militia Prisons hold thousands unlawfully # Saadi Gaddafi

Libya 2019 Reuters BBC

  Exclusive to Herland Report, the Libyan National People’s Movement analysis of the situation inside Libya, actualized by ICC overturning Saif al-Islam Gaddafi case to Libya, as Libya Militia Prisons hold thousands of prisoners unlawfully. The international intervention in Libya destroyed the State, including but not limited to, all military and security institutions, local and central government authorities and, the …

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