Tag Archives: Judicial Watch

TV Interview with William Marshall: George Soros and US drug epidemic

TV Interview with William Marshall: Judicial Watch William Marshall Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  TV Interview with William Marshall: Herland Report TV host, Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks with Judicial Watch’ senior investigator, William Marshall about George Soros elite control, the drug epidemic and financial elites’ use of NGOs to control politics. The United States is engulfed in an unprecedented drug epidemic that we hear remarkably little of in the mainstream media. A startling 27 …

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Portrettert i NRK P2 om hvordan avisredaktører ødelegger norske medier

The Quest for Mental Health: Hanne Nabintu Herland, founder of The Herland Report

  Avisredaktører ødelegger norske medier: Se NRK portrett I NRK P2 om hvordan det er å bo i Brasil, hvorfor jeg liker brasilianere så godt. Jeg snakker også om det trange medierommet i Norge som så godt kontrolleres av “gutteklubben grei.” Redaktørene i ulike aviser samkjører stoffet slik at avisene omtrent sier det samme, nå sist illustrert gjennom hvorledes samtlige …

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RADIO NOVA intervju om hvorfor Hillary Clinton er verst

  Hvorfor Hillary Clinton er verst: Kritisk om Hillary Clinton fra Radio Novas podcast “Kapitalen”.  Jeg hevder i programmet at det er et hovedproblem med norsk presse at det foreligger en så sterk konsensustenkning og gruppepress som gjør at omtrent alle avisene mener omtrent det samme. Det meste presenteres i ren propagandaformat ala “Trump-hets” og “Hillary-hyllest”, der nyansene forsvinner som følge …

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Why Socialist Billionaires hate Trump: “Trump. The Battle for America”

New Book cuts through Media Rhetoric: “Trump. The Battle for America”, Hanne Nabintu Herland

  Herland Report: Donald Trump may be the most demonized President in US history, simply because his ultra-rich Socialist Billionaire enemies own the media and control the US establishment, writes Hanne Herland at WND, the largest Conservative news outlet in America. Read the exclusive excerpts from bestselling author, Hanne Nabintu Herland’s latest book at WND. With Trump’s “America First” slogan, he …

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Trump Reelection Is Already Discredited as a Coup Against Democracy

Trump Reelection Is Already Discredited as a Coup Against Democracy, Herland Report NBC

  Herland Report: Trump reelection is already discredited as a coup against democracy, even before the November election: On September 8, I provided a link to the Democrats’ Transition Integrity Project (TIP) launched “out of concern that the Trump Administration may seek to manipulate, ignore, undermine or disrupt the 2020 presidential election and transition process.”   On September 10 and 12, …

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TV interview: Russia Gate is an Ongoing Coup from Obama officials – Judicial Watch, William Marshall

TV interview: Ongoing Coup from Obama officials against Trump - Judicial Watch, William Marshall, Herland Report

  Herland Report TV: Hanne Nabintu Herland sat down with Judicial Watch William Marshall to discuss Hillary Clinton, Obama administration, corruption and the Russia Gate hoax. Marshall states: “Russia Gate is an ongoing coup among an elite of top officials in the Obama administration, to undermine the very presidency of Donald Trump.” “This is the worst crime in American history. …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite