Tag Archives: Orthodox

Aleksandr Dugin and Western Totalitarian Liberalism

Aleksandr Dugin and Western Totalitarian Liberalism Turkish Post

  The most famous political philosopher in Russia, anti-communist, anti-Marxist Aleksandr Dugin, who recently gave an interview to Tucker Carlson, is well-known for pointing out that modern liberalism is the third wave of totalitarianism. Rather than ending totalitarianism, modern socialist liberalism, which developed with the rise of socialist movements that strongly opposed traditional values in the 20th century, continues the …

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The Easter Message of Jesus Christ: The symbol of a New Beginning

The Easter message of Jesus Christ: Herland Report, Istanbul, Hagia Sofia

  It is Easter. We celebrate the Easter message of Jesus Christ as he was willing to suffer an excruciating death in order to give his life for the redemption of human kind. Those who attempt to follow Christ, are to take up their cross and follow his example in love for humanity, writes Hanne Nabintu Herland for World Net …

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Discover how Christian values defined the Western success story

The Western success story: Hanne Herland

    As history is twisted to fit the atheist Marxist narrative, we are made to believe that modern Western values are of secular or atheist origin. This is not correct. The Western success story: Leading scientists and philosophers during the 1600’s Enlightenment period and earlier were devout Christians. They developed ideals such as equality regardless of race, creed and …

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Hedonism versus the tough love of Christianity

The tough love of Christianity: Hanne Nabintu Herland. new book The BIllionaire World.

  The legacy of the Judeo-Christian ethics of tough love is the only set of values in the West that have been able to unite us. We have not developed any other ethics that have been able to sustain core stability. These several thousand years old tough love rules establish clear boundaries between right and wrong, good and evil, justice …

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Why we Celebrate Christmas: St. Nicholas, Santa Claus and the birth of Jesus

Why we Celebrate Christmas: St. Nicholas and why we celebrate Christmas, Herland Report

  Initially a Christian feast celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, Christmas has been appropriated by secular forces to be expanded into a generic holiday that serves consumerism, materialism and pop culture more than it does Christ. Why we Celebrate Christmas: The secularized, atheist Christmas has become a time for unrestricted indulgence, all in the name of “Santa”, who has …

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The Evergreen Tree and Christmas Celebrations over time

The Evergreen Tree and Christmas: The Royal 1848 Christmas Tree engraving that produced a craze for Christmas Tree across the Western world. It was the German-born Queen Charlotte of Britain who published this Christmas greeting depicting her family around a Christmas tree.

  Today, Christmas is celebrated with trees, decorations, mistletoes, chocolate and presents. The Evergreen Tree and Christmas: Many allege that these traditions stem mostly from pagan or secular practices, and very few, if any, from Christianity – again, rendering Christmas into a generic holiday unspecific to Christianity. Let us begin by revisiting how Christmas was initially commemorated. The answer is …

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Protestantism and Martin Luther: The need for unification in a divided Church

Protestantism and Martin Luther: Martin Luther preaches in Wartburg. By Hugo Vogel.

  Hanne Nabintu Herland sees ‘destructive side effect’ of 16th century Reformation: The early division between Catholics and Protestants began in 1517, when Martin Luther (1483-1546) started a popular uprising, delivering the 95 theses in Wittenberg, Germany. Protestantism and Martin Luther: He criticized the Catholic clergy for placing a monetary price on forgiveness and the path to heaven. Luther’s point was …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite