Tag Archives: Racism

Racial Discrimination Against White Americans Has Been Institutionalized

Racial Discrimination Against White Americans: Paul Craig Roberts, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Racial Discrimination Against White Americans: The 1896 Supreme Court Plessy decision, which gave us “separate but equal” is widely considered today to be incorrect. Legal scholars maintain that the private railroad company violated the Constitution by separating people in railway cars on the basis of race. Justice John Marshall Harlan’s dissent–“Our Constitution is color-blind, and neither knows nor tolerates …

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The Whoredom of Leftist Capitalism

The Whoredom of the Left: Chris Hedges.

  Herland Report: The Whoredom of the Left: Prostitution is the quintessential expression of global capitalism. Our corporate masters are pimps and the Left doesn’t care. We are all being debased and degraded, rendered impoverished and powerless, to service the cruel and lascivious demands of the corporate elite, writes journalist and author, Chris Hedges. And when they tire of us, …

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George Soros and South Africa’s transition from Apartheid to Robbery Capitalism

Billionaire Capitalism South Africa's transition from Apartheid to Robbery Capitalism:Reuters Herland Report

  Herland Report: South Africa’s transition from Apartheid to Robbery Capitalism: South Africa’s transition from apartheid to polyarchy provides a devastating example of the power of capitalism to penetrate and dismantle a vibrant movement demanding massive social change and effectively harmonize them into a neoliberal social order. Efforts to promote forms of democracy where the majority act as participants, not …

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TV interview with Woodley Auguste: Identity Politics creates Destructive Disunity

Woodley Auguste, The Awareness Agency, PR

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks with PR guru, Woodley Auguste from The Awareness Agency about Identity Politics and how it separates Americans from each other. How can national unity be rekindled in a divisive situation? “Solidarity a forgotten value. We have become consumers. It’s a consumer mentality. Everything is disposable today. It’s all about what I can get, …

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Gun Control and Racism: The History of Oppression in America through Gun Control

America’s Stolen Guns:American Collapse: Ammo

  Herland Report: Gun Control and Racism: The laws and taxes were initially meant to limit minority gun ownership in America. The racially motivated attacks on the Second Amendment is explored in this article, as the point is being made that the right to bear arms means the right for minorities to defend themselves against oppression. Every schoolchild knows that …

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Does Western Civilization Have a Future, or Is It Already in Its Grave?

Total destruction of sovereign nations:US Economy Destroyed: Does Western Civilization Have a Future New York turning into Hellhole as Residents flee the Democrat run City, Herland Report

  Herland Report:  Sandia National Laboritories, a US government-funded nuclear weapons developer, requires its white employees to be subjected to indoctrination in training sessions in which critical race theory propagandists tell the white employees they are racists, because they have white privilege due to their skin color. One of the abused white employees, Casey Peterson, produced a video that rejected …

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Interview Paul Craig Roberts: The Liberal hatred of the White Hetero Male

Paul Craig RobertsAmerica’s Color Revolution and How to Steal an Election

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland, founder of The Herland Report, speaks with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts about the implementation of the racist Liberal theories that now fuse the hatred of the white hetero male. Why does the Democratic Party choose to pull the race card – just like Hitler did – as if good and evil ever corresponds to …

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New Atheist Religion: Secular Messianism

How the West lost its Greatness Hanne Nabintu Herland , Herland Report

  The current lack of moral strength worry many of the leading philosophers in the West.  Among them, the German philosopher who is Europe’s arguably most influential social scientist, atheist Jürgen Habermas. At one point, Habermas dramatically changed his view on the role of religion, stating that his previous assumption of its irrelevance in secular nations was wrong. In his …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite