Tag Archives: WND

Mental Pain: Our civilization is blanketed with a light melancholic fog of neuroses, depression and loneliness

Mental Pain: Hanne Nabintu Herland in L'Indro Hanne HErland

  An underlying sorrow weights down the Western culture. Our civilization is blanketed with a light melancholic fog of neuroses, mental pain, depression and loneliness. Mental Pain: What happened? How did we end up in a situation where loneliness and depression are such massive problems? What happened to the family? And to the life long companionship between the man and …

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Voltaire, founding father of secular intolerance

Hanne Nabintu Herland with Paul Craig Roberts

  As the mainstream media shuts down diversity of opinion, pulling the “Fake News” card on anyone who does not see the world from the leftwing CNN angle, many feel that the West is turning into a Soviet Union. It has long been worrying that over 90 % of the US media is owned by only 6 corporations, as it …

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The Billionaire Capitalism of today is a total Perversion of the Historic Capitalism that brought millions out of poverty

Billionaire Capitalism South Africa's transition from Apartheid to Robbery Capitalism:Reuters Herland Report

  Pope John Paul II once said that the problem with the current type of Western Capitalism is that it is wrenched off from its original moral foundation. Selfishness has become a virtue and the path to success. There is little regard for the traditional focus on duties and responsibilities. Yet, if “Capitalism” becomes equivalent to the individual’s right to …

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Faith is Scientifically Proven positive effect on Mental Health

The Western success story: Hanne Herland

  We live in a mainstream culture that almost completely denies the spiritual realm and its influence on human beings. You hardly hear anything positive about religious beliefs or traditional values, for that matter. CNN and the mainstream outlets chronically only address issues that fit the atheist narrative. Yet, science proves that faith has a strong positive impact on, for …

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The Marxist West: Meaninglessness is now core Western value

The Declining West: The search for meaning beyond Materialism. Hanne Nabintu Herland

  Marxism with its cancel culture and social upheaval is now engulfing America, applying its rigorous hatred towards traditional values, tearing down the pillars of stability. The idea, as presented in Karl Marx’ and Friedrich Engels’ work The Communist Manifesto, is that the only solution to injustice between the classes is to instigate bloody revolutions and terror upon the population. …

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Selfishness and complacency destroys the West: Are Christians no longer Christians?

The neo-Marxist New Left 1960s revolution: Herland Report

  Something has gone seriously wrong with Christianity in the West. Research shows that church attendance is dropping dramatically. The very peculiar fact that surveys demonstrate is that it is the most believing Christians that leave the churches. Maybe because institutionalized religion seems most preoccupied with the “God bless me and make me rich” ideology? Or are there other reasons? …

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The Shocking Degeneration of America: The contemporary Sodom and Gomorrah

The American Sodom and Gomorrah: Billy Graham, Herland Report Reuters

  Remembering Billy Graham: The contemporary degeneration of American society disintegrating into civil strife and division is a stark reminder of how nations fall. The lessons learned from the fall of the Roman empire is forgotten, where arrogance, lack of self-discipline, hedonism and injustice caused the collapse of moral standards. The fall of Rome in 410 AD happened at the …

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The need for Metaphysical Reflection and Morality to foster Mental Health

Religious Revival in Russia: The Kiev Lavra Monastery complex has been the center for Christianity in Russia for centuries. CBN

  Metaphysical Reflection and Morality: The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates said that an unexamined life is not worth living. We need to question more, to study ancient wisdom, to acquire knowledge about the key to happiness and how we may fulfil the purpose of life. Socrates believed that each man has access to the truths of life, as they are …

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French Revolution Tyranny: A study of Mob Rule and its Elites

French Revolution Tyranny 1848.

  The great rulers in history knew perfectly well how to control the mob. Empires often ruthlessly pushed for conquest of the weak and revenues from the conquered, yet he who holds the moral high ground tends to win in the long run. So states the Chinese man of wisdom, the military genius Sun Tzu, writes historian Hanne Nabintu Herland …

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The Golden Mean as the recipe for Mental Health

Conservative Feminism: Hanne Nabintu Herland

  To log off computers and shut down the constant distraction of social media, and simply sit still in the serenity of a silent room and reflect upon one’s life, can bring more mental health than most think. The recipe for Mental Health: It is most rewarding to engage in philosophical thought on existential topics: What is the meaning of …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite