Tag Archives: WND

Christmas and the most significant person in world history

Christmas and the most significant person in history: jesus-is-born-Christmas-Herland-Report

  As yet another paganized Western Christmas celebration has come, we are drifting further away from the deeper meaning of existence found in the Nativity of Christ’ story. Christmas and the most significant person in history: Christmas is now a generic, winter holiday that serves consumerism and atheist pop culture. It is about decorations, mistletoes, chocolates, gift-giving and celebrating evergreens. …

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The killing of the Western middle class

The killing of the Western middle class: Number 1 on Amazon: The Billionaire World. How Marxism serves the Elite. By Hanne Nabintu Herland.

  The ultra-rich profited immensely on the COVID-19 lockdowns. The world’s billionaires saw their wealth increase by $12.7 trillion or 42%. The richest 10 now possess more wealth than the poorest 40% of humanity combined, reports Oxfam. The killing of the Western middle class: Yet, what is the situation post Covid-19 for those who are not billionaires, who do not …

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What is Happiness, instant bliss or lasting contentment?

  The modern term “happiness” is translated almost exclusively into the category of feelings. To be happy is described as the sensation you get when buying a Coca Cola, drinking it on the beach, surrounded by beautiful it-girls. Happiness is the instant bliss – the very moment of gladness – when you acquire something that you desire. The advertisement industry …

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Globalist control of Politicians: The Billionaire Class and Robbery Capitalism

  Hanne Nabintu Herland explains how globalists control politicians as middle class shrink: The consolidation of wealth in the hands of the very few is unprecedented. At the top of the Western economic pyramid resides a billionaire class who are the globalist version of the feudalist lords. In my new book, The Billionaire World. How Marxism serves the Elite, I analyze …

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Plurality is the enemy in the Progressive, Atheist West

Plurality is now the enemy: Hanne Herland Report

  Plurality is now the enemy: The term “one-way tolerance” perfectly describes the situation where only one party is required to be tolerant while the other fails to show mutual respect. The term “tolerance” then loses its meaning and becomes a political and ideological tool to silence opposition. The words of C. S. Lewis in The Screwtape Letters sum it …

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Mastodonte companies completely dominate our way of life: New book “The Billionaire World” explains How

Cancelling the Protestant Ethic is Suicide: Mastodonte companies completely dominate: Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite

  The Billionaire World. How Marxism serves the Elite: In the West, the ultra-rich own almost everything. Private investment corporations such as Blackrock, Vanguard, Capital World, Berkshire Hathaway and State Street represent capital owners who dominate media companies, Big Tech, Big Pharma, the military complex, real estate and the food industry. Buy it here! Whichever industry you take a look …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite