Religion and Faith

Interview with Iben Thranholm: Russia is defender of Christian faith

Interview with Iben Thranholm: How ironic that Russia is the defender of Christian faith?

  Herland Report TV (HTV): How ironic that when the West leaves the Christian faith and demonizes its own cultural heritage, Russia rises as the defender of the Christian faith, says the Danish theologian, journalist, and queen of the MeToo movement in Denmark, Iben Thranholm. She speaks with the founder of Herland Report, Hanne Nabintu Herland, about the erosion of values …

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Exclusive glimps into Orthodox Christian faith in Athos, Greece

Mental Health and God: Getty Heland Report

  Orthodox Christian faith in Athos: In the Middle East and Greek Orthodox Church, Easter was celebrated this weekend. To many Westerners, this original form of Christianity that thrives in the Middle East, Russia and many Eastern European countries, retain deep knowledge of the first centuries after Christ’s death. The Orthodox Christian way means keeping the faith as pure and …

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Merry Christmas, the significance of Christianity

The ground-breaking values of Jesus: Merry Christmas, the significance of Christianity, Herland Report

  Herland Report: What is the true significance of Christmas? Why have we celebrated a baby boy born in a manger in Bethlehem for two thousand years in the West? Which values did the Middle Eastern philosopher, life coach and spiritual teacher, Jesus teach? Many wonder why “Merry Christmas” now is rebranded “Happy Holidays.” It is because of the deep …

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Den intellektuelle konservatismens nye stemmer – Mohammad Usman Rana

Usman Mohammad Rana Gold

  Herland Report: Det er en skrikende mangel på intellektuell konservatisme i Norge. Partiet Høyre vil liberalisere og sentralisere, men hvor er fokuset på Lars Roar Langslets konservatisme? Dr. Mohammad Usman Rana etterlyser dette i artikkelen under: Den nye konservatismen bør våge å utfordre det verdiliberale hegemoniet – der eksempelvis kritikk av undervisning av barn i radikal kjønnsideologi i skolen …

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Hanne Nabintu selvbiografi “Respekt”: Opprøret mot sosialistisk rasisme

The Quest for Mental Health: Hanne Nabintu Herland, founder of The Herland Report

  Hanne Nabintu Herlands bestselger Respekt er en politisk selvbiografi der hun forteller om sin oppvekst i Afrika sør for Sahara og det brutale møtet med jantelovens Norge. Her beskrives hvordan hun raskt forsto at kravet til å tenke likt og mene det samme sto særdeles sterkt i Norge. Herland kom til Norge rundt midten av 1980-tallet og det kulturradikale …

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The Russian defense of Christianity while the West falls to Atheism

The Western success story: Hanne Herland

  Herland Report: The Russian defense of Christianity: Let us take a closer look at the paradox that Russia is now the leading public defender of Christianity. We do not hear much about it in the mainstream media, yet from being an atheist state, Russia now boasts more than 70 % of its population as Christians. The massive revival of …

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