Dr. Fauci says COVID-19 May Turn Out To Be Like A Bad Influenza Season

The Covid Deception: The Covid-19 Scam: Washington-Post

  Herland Report: Dr. Fauci says COVID-19 May Turn Out To Be Like A Bad Flu: Dr. Anthony Fauci and two co-authors published a letter on March 26, 2020 in the New England Journal of Medicine. Dr. Fauci is the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. In the article, linked below, he states that COVID-19 may …

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Imperial Report – WHO Horror Scenarios questioned, allegations of politization

Imperial Report - WHO Horror Scenarios questioned among allegations of politization: Bertil Ericson Getty

  Herland Report: The Imperial Report that motivated the UK and other nations to leave its herd immunity strategy, turns out to not be peer-reviewed and written by a professor who highly overestimated the numbers for Ebola and Swine influenza. The Imperial Report and WHO horror scenarios that triggered extreme measures and corona economic lockdown are now questioned. As the …

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Western economy crushed by Corona Fear as China pushes foreign policy agenda

Pessimism in the West: Herland Report

  Herland Report: China pushes foreign policy agenda: With the whole Western economy in lock down, almost every county, every town facing the worst financial catastrophe in a century, China was smart enough to only shut down the epicenter of one city, Wuhan and corresponding areas. China now leads the world as president of the People’s Republic, Xi Jinping spearheads …

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China is smarter than the West, will gain post Corona Scandal

West Lost Dominant Position U.S. must approach China with humility: AP

  Herland Report: China is smarter than the West: China set the example for lock down of national economies in an unprecedented move. Western nations followed the Chinese example and shut down their own economies too. China is now the leader of the world. President of the People’s Republic, Xi Jinping spearheaded how the world tackles pandemic crisis. What he …

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Eight US states have defied lock down and remain open #Sweden #Belarus


  Herland Report: Eight US states have defied lock down and remain open: Not all US governors have chosen a lockdown. In Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Utah and Wyoming the method chosen have the herd immunity strategy. These states are limiting the size of gatherings, close schools and some nonessential businesses, and prohibit on-site dining at …

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Happy birthday to Melania Trump, the gracious First Lady – Hanne Nabintu

Melania Trump, First Lady. AP. Herland Report.

  Herland Report: In arguably the most evil time in the history of the United States, where domestic forces strive to end democracy in the nation and implement a brutal oligarch rule, Melania Trump entered the stage as the most beautiful first lady since Jackie Kennedy, writes historian, author and founder of The Herland Report, Hanne Nabintu Herland. As a …

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Conservative National Values Resurrection – Paul Craig Roberts

Conservative National Values Resurrection: DailyNewsMax-donald-Trump-state-of-the-union-pelosi

  Herland Report: Conservative National Values Resurrection: Conservative magazines have pretty much disappeared along with conservatives in education, popular culture, politics, publishing, media, and Hollywood.  Magazines that helped to sustain stable families, good manners, the value of integrity, moral behavior, tending to one’s own garden, and Christian virtues such as compassion have been replaced by neoconservatives advocating war for American …

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European surge in anti-Semitism: The heritage from Marxism #Israelophobia

European surge in anti-Semitism: The heritage from National Socialism: Herland Report

  Herland Report: European surge in anti-Semitism: The heritage from National Socialism: As the pre-war caricatures of Jews again permeate Europe, historian Hanne Nabintu Herland ponders why Marxists and Socialist always seem to dislike the Jews and Israel. With the current Covid-19 financial crisis, it is likely that racism against Jews will be revived, as desperation, social dislocation, social unrest, …

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Non-elected billionaire Bill Gates rule public health through control over governments? Erna Solberg

Non-elected billionaire oligarch Bill Gates rule public health through control over governments? Getty Herland Report

  Herland Report: The coronavirus scandal, with billionaire oligarch “pandemic expert” Bill Gates pushing horror scenarios into the media, has contributed to politicians’ reaction of fear. This, combined with the CNN mass media hysteria forefront, has, in turn, caused a once-in-a-century financial depression. The economic depression may not be due to the virus itself, but rather the panic reaction that was created …

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Covid-19: WHO Tedros Has a Long History of Cover-Ups #Norway Erna Solberg

WHO Director Tedros Has a Long History of Cover-Ups: Getty Herland Report

  Herland Report: WHO Director Marxist-Leninist Tedros Has a Long History of Cover-Ups: The head of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus now faces increased scrutiny over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. If we understand Dr. Tedros correctly, he cannot be criticized for his handling of the crisis because that would be racism. Any critical comment, would be equivocated with …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite