Tag Archives: ISIS

Islamist demonization of Middle East Christians: Making it acceptable to kill and rape

Social Media does not Stop Muslim hate speech: Nabil H. Salama Executed by jihadists on the accusation that he was acting like a jihadist (Ayat Oraby, right)

  Herland Report: Islamist demonization of Middle East Christians: The recent execution of a Christian man by Muslim terrorists in Sinai showcased a little known but interesting fact: the reason so many “radical” Muslims target innocent “infidels” is often based on projection, a word defined as “the attribution of one’s own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people.” One academic article/book chapter elaborates: “Projection allows …

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Erdogan Islamism tightens at the expense of Christianity in Turkey: Hagia Sophia

The origins of Human Rights is Christian theology: Hanne Nabintu Herland at Hagia Sophia, Ayia Sophia, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Exclusive: Hanne Nabintu Herland explains implications of turning historic church into a mosque. The iconic, historic monument Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey, now has been turned into a mosque, reflecting the Islamist intolerance for religious plurality in the Middle East. Hagia Sophia was a centerpiece of Orthodox Christianity, which dominated the Middle East before the Islamic Conquest …

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Church burning has come to America, just like ISIS Middle East

The 15 Years That Destroyed America: The Arctic Fox Cometh Imitating Islam in Persecuting Christians: Mission St. Gabriel, California, Church burning has come to America, just like ISIS burned churches in the Middle EastUSA

  Herland Report: Church burning has come to the United States, as Black Lives Matter, Antifa and other openly atheist, anti-American anarchists torch Western civilization. In past years, it has been one of the main features of the terror group ISIS and other Islamist radical groups’ attack on Christianity in the Middle East. It has now come to America, as …

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Hanne Herland #RT interview: We destroyed Libya

Hanne Herland Report RT

  Herland Report: Highlighting Libya again: Blundering Western policy in the Middle East and elsewhere empowered Islamism and led to a massive increase in the persecution of Christians. “We don’t know what we are doing abroad, any more than at home. The full impact of Western intervention in Libya was recently highlighted during a televised interview of Worlds Apart. Hanne …

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Al Qaida – ISIS har lenge vært vestlig alliert, la oss avslutte samarbeidet

Siv Jensen CNN Getty

  Herland Report: Hvorfor er det fortsatt så vanskelig for oss å erkjenne at Al Qaida affilierte grupper er våre samarbeidspartnere i Midtøsten? Det ble jo dokumentert av amerikanske DIA rapporter og Wikileaks for mange år siden nå. Saken kommer opp igjen med FRPs utgang fra regjeringen. La meg først gratulere FRP og partileder, Siv Jensen med avgjørelsen, som kan …

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US Kurdish alliance is now Assad Kurdish Alliance

Southfront Syria Military Map Nov 9th 2019

  Herland Report: The silence in the Western media as the Kurds ally with Assad is remarkable. It is described as “natural”, hardly anyone commenting on its implications. Wasn’t it so that Assad is “the devil”? Did we not hear nothing but that for years? The Western narrative has changed dramatically after Russia won the war in Syria. Syria has, …

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Syria: When will Kurds realize the US only serves US interests?


  Herland Report: Why do the Kurds keep hoping again and again that the US will provide and secure the implementation of Kurdistan as a nation state? When are they going to realize that the US serves US interests, not the Kurds? After all, the US has abandoned them several times before. Now the US is apparently leaving Syria, again. …

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Why are we to feel sorry for ISIS brides?

Shamima Begun case uk

  Herland Report: Syria and president Bashar al-Assad is hardly mentioned anymore in the press. The mainstream media is conspicuously silent. Embarrassingly enough, the Syrian Arab Army and its allies won the war. Damascus never fell to ISIS. There is nothing much left to say, except to see what will happen with the oil rich US held Eastern Syria. So, …

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Norge som ledende våpenhandler krigsnasjon

Politicized Gene Sharp riots is another attempted coup d'etat: Hanne Herland Report

  Hanne Nabintu Herland: Norge som ledende våpenhandler krigsnasjon:  Jeg vil i dette åpningsforedraget ved Den Norske Filosofifestival i Kragerø betrakte Norge fra en utenrikspolitisk vinkel som er svært vanlig i internasjonale farvann, men som vi hører lite om i den brede norsk offentlighet. Sannheten om Norge er at vi lever i en ekstremt brutal kultur som kjennetegnes av særdeles …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite