Tag Archives: Trump

Democrats Launch Assault on Red State America, Civil War Heats Up

Nancy Pelosi Democrats Launch Assault on Red State America, Civil War Heats Up, Shutterstock

  Herland Report: The opening salvo against red state America is the article of impeachment against President Trump introduced on January 11 by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democrat Representatives David Cicilline, Ted Lieu, and Jamie Raskin.   So much for Biden’s promise to “unify the country.”   What is the intent of this article of impeachment?  It cannot possibly be to remove …

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Trump incited insurrection: Media allegations are sufficient proof

Trump incited insurrection: Media allegations are sufficient proof these days: Getty

  Herland Report: Trump incited insurrection: Media allegations are sufficient proof these days: A central element in classical Western jurisprudence has been to legally establish who is guilty before accusations are to be believed as fact. Both parties are to meet in a court of law, where evidence is presented and the accused only convicted if the evidence is sufficient. …

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Rage over Inquisitionist Soviet style Big Tech Tyrants

The super-rich control everything: Mark Zuckerberg Chicago Tribune

  Herland Report: Rage over Inquisitionist Soviet style Big Tech: It is a legitimate question: Why should society tolerate cheeky boys with a massive flair for totalitarianism, like Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, who a few years back sat at his dorm thinking up a project and now apparently believes he is the leader of the free world? Why should young, unelected …

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We are watching the American Color Revolution under the guise of a presidential election?

We are watching the American Color Revolution

  Herland Report: Pandering to the Establishment Now Ubiquitous, we are watching the American Color Revolution: The Establishment has imposed a color revolution on the American people.   Ekaterina Blinova is a journalist who recognized that a color revolution has occurred in America under the guise of a presidential election. The Establishment used the Democrats for their purpose, because Trump was …

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China Floods America with Spies amid Capitol Assault?

China’s Post-Pandemic Economic Growth: Valutainment

  Herland Report: China Floods America with Spies? The reported complete penetration of American society by the Chinese is overwhelming America, according to Asian reports. China has hundreds — perhaps thousands — of agents in the U.S. identifying, grooming, supporting, influencing, compromising, and corrupting Americans in politics and other fields of importance to it. Gordon G. Chang is the author …

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Maidan style US revolution? 60 policemen injured in the armed assault on Capitol

Capitol Hill Insurrection: The Star

  Herland Report: Over 60 policemen were injured at the Capitol assault, the rioters armed and much more dangerous than previously said, reports state. This points to a much more coordinated attack than previously assumed, as regular Trump supporters in a peaceful rally would not carry arms. Are we watching a Ukraine Maidan style revolution in the US? Daily Wire: …

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Morocco in peace treaty with Israel, joins UAE, Bahrain, Sudan


  Herland Report: Morocco in peace treaty with Israel, joins UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, while Ramallah watches in silence. After its harsh denunciations of countries that established open ties with Israel failed to yield results, the PA is now keeping quiet on Morocco’s decision to normalize. In a sign of how much things have changed in just the past four months, …

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The Historic Killing of Western Small Businesses

The most sophisticated propaganda operation in history:Herland Report

  Herland Report: The Corona Killing of Western Small Businesses: In what increasingly looks like a massive attack on small to medium private businesses all across the West, Amazon and the globalist multinational conglomerate mastodons are set to take over these markets. As 48 % among smaller private businesses now warn of upcoming bankruptcies are the lockdowns to prevail, the …

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The US Banana Republic Mess: Voter fraud, Dominion Voting System

Civil Unrest Ahead: U.S. Economic Suicide: The Collapse of America: Huffington Post.

  Herland Report: The US Banana Republic Mess: The continuous reports of voter fraud, court cases, mainstream media refusing to cover the topic steadily diminishes the trust in the American system. Increasingly by the day, it sinks into the general world public that the United States’ current system simply is a US Banana Republic Mess. We used to look up to …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite