Tag Archives: Trump

George Floyd autopsy showed three times fatal dose Fentanyl opioid, not killed by police

Systemic racism manufactured by Elite: George Floyd FOX Tucker Carlson now announce what we wrote two months ago: George Floyd was not killed by police, but by overdose of Fentanyl Opioid, Herland Report

  Herland Report: George Floyd story: The presstitutes’ story is that George Floyd died from asphyxiation—“I can’t breathe”—from a police officer’s knee on his neck.  This story is not supported by the autopsy and toxicology reports. The autopsy report says Floyd died of a heart attack and that no life-threatening injuries were inflicted by police restraint. The medical examiner found no …

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Anti-democracy Marxist Black Lives Matter states aim is to remove Trump

White Americans Are now More Demonized Than Jews In Nazi Germany? Herland Report

  Herland Report: Black Lives Matter states that they are trained Marxists whose goal is to remove the democratically elected president Trump. The Marxist revolution that they fight is anti-democratic in essence. Black Lives Matter thereby states that the organization is against democracy, the rule of the people and completely lose our support. Since Donald Trump was elected by the …

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Most of Facebook Censorship Board Ties to George Soros

Facebook Censorship Board Ties to George Soros: George Soros Duran Herland Report

  Herland Report: Judicial Watch, Facebook Censorship Board Ties to George Soros: The recently appointed Facebook oversight board that will decide which posts get blocked from the world’s most popular social networking website is stacked with leftists, including a close friend of leftwing billionaire George Soros who served on the board of directors of his Open Society Foundations (OSF). Most of …

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Interview Judicial Watch Chris J. Farrell: Hillary Clinton ran criminal enterprise from the White House

Hillary Clinton lied about Benghazi, Clinton Foundation under investigation Chris J. Farrell: Hillary Clinton ran criminal enterprise from the White House: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Judicial Watch director, Chris J. Farrell: Hillary Clinton ran criminal enterprise from the White House: Herland Report TV host, Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks to Farrell about Obama and Clinton collusion, American corruption and the efforts to stop it.  Watch Judicial Watch republish our interview here. “It was a criminal enterprise being run out of the Clinton White …

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Why does Black America hail criminal George Floyd as hero, asks Candace Owens

Why does Black America hail a criminal like George Floyd as a hero and martyr, asks Candace Owens:

  Herland Report: Why does Black America hail criminal George Floyd as hero and martyr, asks Candace Owens: Candace Owens is an American free thinker who has become immensely popular for stating that Democrats are abusing Black Americans by inciting them with a “victim mentality” in order to use their votes to their own benefit. She implies that the victimization …

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Western leaders try to hide it: Corona shutdown came due to blind trust in WHO, Imperial Report predicting millions dead

Corona shutdown came due to blind trust in WHO, Imperial Report predicting millions dead and were wrong: AP

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland at WND: Corona shutdown came due to blind trust in WHO, Imperial Report predicting millions dead: Many are now openly asking if the COVID-19 reaction was overblown, and in that case, who pushed the exaggerations? If politically motivated, the misinformation suggesting mass deaths has contributed to the largest economic meltdown in a century. Not …

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Geopolitical shift to the East

Herland Report cultural analysis

  Geopolitical shift to the East: Russia takes its Corona leave during Holy week. People are off anyway. The country just included its belief in God in its constitution. Putin announced Russian billionaires will pay for the extra days off. The role of Russia is interesting, as Russia’s “no” in the OPEC+ meeting with Saudi Arabia had detrimental consequences, plunging …

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