Tag Archives: WND

Jesus is King Kanye West is a Full Frontal Attack on Liberal Tyranny

Kanye West on Ellen Hanne Herland

  Herland Report: Kanye West new album Jesus is King is a full frontal rebellion against the Liberal and hedonist Tyranny we currently face in the West. Let me predict he will be hated and scorned in the mainstream media and loved by the public. He could not have possibly embarked on a worse revolt against the current nihilist culture that …

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Donald Trump for Nobel Peace Prize 2019, says Norwegian Hanne Herland

Hanne Herland Report Donald Trump for Nobel Peace Prize 2019:

  Simply by showing good will and attempting to pull forces out of Syria, the work to end the North Korean crisis, the efforts to end the Kashmir crisis, president Donald Trump is a far more worthy Nobel Peace Prize winner than US war president, Barack Obama ever was. He received the Nobel in the midst of escalating the war …

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The Greta Thunberg Show: Public Child Abuse

Greta Thunberg public child abuse Herland Report Getty

  The use children as bait to create media sympathy for various causes, is an increasingly used method in the West. Latest, the public child abuse of Greta Thunberg, the Swedish 16 year old lured into the role as “media puppet for climate change.” She recently spoke at the UN, probably without a clue of the sinister political game she …

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Selfishness and nihilism permeates the West, inevitable destruction ahead

Atheist Emptiness: Herland Report

  Western culture is now characterized by a remarkably strong nihilism, the moral philosophy that claims that there is no higher meaning to life than selfish pleasures. The conversion to agnosticism by Hillsong’s leader Marty Sampson and author Joshua Harris, demonstrate how “Christian communities” are following the same nihilism trends as society in general, writes historian and author, Hanne Herland …

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Democrats support drug cartels on the Southern border?

drug cartels on the Southern border: hillary-clinton-Getty

  Herland Report: Drug cartels on the Southern border: In a series of articles, we examine the puzzle: Why does the media discourage president Trump’s fight against the illegal activity along US borders? Who profits from open borders if not the American drug cartels whose criminal activity is dependent on illegal access to the US? Who profits the human trafficking? …

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European hypocrisy, we criticize Trump, yet build our own walls

EU immigration wall between Turkey and Syria

  The European hypocrisy when criticizing president Donald Trump wall efforts to stop illegal immigration along the US’ southern border, simply is baffling, writes historian Hanne Herland in one of America’s largest conservative news outlets, World Net Daily. The European mainstream media are tripping over themselves in copying New York Times and Washington Post attitudes. They demonize the “racist” Trump …

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Libya in ruins, yet NATO Jens Stoltenberg would gladly crush Libya again

NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg would gladly crush Libya again

  The 2011 war on Libya led to a failed state, civil war, al-Qaida militia control, 3 million refugees and massive persecution of black Libyans. Yet, Libya under Moammar Gadhafi was Africa’s richest country, a middle-income nation with free health care and free education for both men and women. In 2007, then-President George W. Bush hailed Gadhafi as an example of good …

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Authoritarian control on Facebook: How to ruin your own empire

Facebook ill.

  Herland Report: Tolerance by definition signifies respect for disagreement. Wildly diverging opinions mark a tolerant debate where all the pieces of information are discussed. Freedom of speech implies maximum tolerance for a variety of viewpoints. But not among the modern day Liberal Left. They detest freedom and have implemented the totalitarian clampdown on both tolerance and free speech. The movement …

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TV Interview: Racial awareness weakens America – Woodley Auguste

TV Interview: Racial awareness weakens America - Woodley Auguste

  The Herland Report TV (HTV): Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks to the American PR guru, Woodley Auguste about Identity Politics and how racial awareness weakens the US. “In America, we no longer simply say “I am an American”. It’s more about race now, that is the problem,” says the founder of a U.S. based public relations and marketing consultancy, Woodley …

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