
Western Governments Favor Criminal Immigrant Over Law-abiding Citizens #Sweden

Sweden Rape ZeroHedge Watson Herland Report

  Herland Report: Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says Feminism and Criminal Immigrants have destroyed Europe. European governments have destroyed the quality of life for their own citizens by importing huge numbers of men from cultures that are too different from European culture to assimilate. European women especially are paying a very high price for the idiotic policy of the European …

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Russia from State rule Atheism to Christian Orthodoxy


  Herland Report: In the eighteen years since the faction behind President Putin came to power, the country has been transformed in a way that Western neo-liberalism would call “regressive.” The government and its leaders there speak plainly about the need for morality and virtue, much stronger terms than “ethics” and “principles”. They speak plainly about the need for thriving …

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Hanne Nabintu Herland og Pamela Anderson – utdrag BA

Hanne Nabintu Herland ser ut som Pamela Anderson

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland ser ut som Pamela Anderson og var 19 år, da hun flyttet fra Afrika til Norge, skriver BA. Etter å ha utmerket seg i norske medier en årrekke, blant annet med flere bestselgende bøker som Alarm og Respekt, trakk hun seg tilbake fra aktiv mediedeltagelse og etablerte The Herland Report som har fått stor …

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Boken “5G og vår trådløse virkelighet” viser farene ved 5G

Einar Flydal ny bok 5G Herland Report

  Herland Report: En revolusjonerende bok, 5G og vår trådløse virkelighet, om farene ved 5G har akkurat kommet ut i Norge. Forfatterne Einar Flydal, Else Nordhagen, Martin L. Pall, David Carpenter, Cindy Sage, Lennart Hardell, Bård-Rune Martinsen and Christian F. Jensen bringer vitenskapelige bevis for farene ved 5G elektromagnetisk stråling for mennesket. Den er skrevet av fagfolk innen medisin, biologi, …

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Norway: Ground Breaking Book on 5G Health Hazard – Einar Flydal

Einar Flydal ny bok 5G Herland Report

  Herland Report: A ground breaking book on 5G with proof of health hazard has been published in Norway, 5G og vår trådløse virkelighet. The authors, Einar Flydal, Else Nordhagen, Martin L. Pall, David Carpenter, Cindy Sage, Lennart Hardell, Bård-Rune Martinsen and Christian F. Jensenprovide scientific proof of 5G coming dangers, Z Forlag. This book represents a break through event …

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Boris Johnson Moment: Long Live Conservative Great Britain!

jpg boris johnson majority 2019

  Herland Report:  The historic UK election with Boris Johnson Churchillian moment said to set the standard for many years to come, gave the Conservatives a massive victory. The British people voted Brexit years ago. This is the second time they vote on the same matter. We wrote: The power struggle between the EU globalists and the British people over …

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The Left no longer works for the Working Class, fights for Globalists

Herland Report Selfishness is destroying us, says US musician and pastor Ray Bady

  Herland Report: It seems that there is not much left of the Left and what remains has nothing to do with ‘Left.’ Contemporary ‘Left’ politics is detached from its natural constituency, working people. The so called ‘Left’ is basically a symbolic identifier for ‘Guardian readers’ a critical expression attributed to middle class people who, for some reason, claim to …

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NEW Horrific Anti-Semitism in Jeremy Corbyn Labour, did little to stop it

jeremy corbyn labour antisemittism UK Getty.

  Herland Report: New secret files emerge that blow apart Labour claims that anti-Semitism is dealt with, ‘suspended or expelled’ members. Days before the UK election, report states that over 130 unresolved cases still linger, Labour members who have said all Jews must be exterminated, call for the extermination of Israel, ask for the “extermination of every Jew on the …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite