Black Lives Matter riots marginalize blacks as “looters, thieves,” creates more segregation

The Marxist Left produces Totalitarianism: Getty Herland Report

  Herland Report: Black Lives Matter riots marginalize blacks as “looters, thieves,” creates more segregation, says Hanne Nabintu Herland: The murder of George Floyd, which raised legitimate anger over police violence, has sadly been heavily abused by infiltrating political and anarchist groups that intermingle with those rightfully protesting against racism, and cause looting and civil unrest that they know will be …

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Michael Flynn says Forces of Evil Want to Steal Our Freedom #CivilUnrest

The Case of General Michael Flynn:  The Use of Law as a Political Weapon: Daily Beast

  Herland Report: Michael Flynn says Forces of Evil Want To Steal Our Freedom: US three star general, Michael Flynn writes: “There are seminal moments in American history that test every fiber of our nation’s soul. We are facing one now. Revolutionary forces are causing every American citizen to question which direction the country is heading. To determine the outcome, …

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Was George Floyd a hero or a problem for America Society? #PoliceMurder

Was George Floyd a hero or a problem for America Society? Adam Tramell disabled killed by police

  Herland Report: Was George Floyd a hero or a problem for America Society? In the United States, hundreds are killed by the police yearly. The growing amount of disturbing stories of unarmed citizens killed by police is very worrisome, the George Floyd killing only the latest in a string of similar murders taking place. Across America, police cars and government …

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End the lockdowns, 600 doctors implore president Trump, writes Dr. Ron Paul

America is finished says Glenn Beck: Trump indictment, end of PetroDollar marks end of American Hegemony Herland Report Getty

  Herland Report: Six hundred physicians recently signed a letter to President Trump calling for an end to the coronavirus lockdowns. The physicians wrote that, far from protecting public health, the lockdowns are causing “exponentially growing negative health consequences” for millions of Americans, writes Dr. Ron Paul, former US senator, founder of the Ron Paul Institute and host of the …

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Why does Black America hail criminal George Floyd as hero, asks Candace Owens

Why does Black America hail a criminal like George Floyd as a hero and martyr, asks Candace Owens:

  Herland Report: Why does Black America hail criminal George Floyd as hero and martyr, asks Candace Owens: Candace Owens is an American free thinker who has become immensely popular for stating that Democrats are abusing Black Americans by inciting them with a “victim mentality” in order to use their votes to their own benefit. She implies that the victimization …

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NEW BOOK “New Left Tyranny”: Globalist Robbery Capitalism is not the Historical Capitalism that built us

New Left Tyranny

  Herland Report: NEW BOOK “New Left Tyranny. The authoritarian destruction of our way of life” (Amazon): Globalist Robbery Capitalism is not the Historical Capitalism that built us: Under the current globalist-Capitalist system, we are gradually returning to the feudalist structure of the Middle Ages. Some very few, wealthy individuals own everything, the rest of us are bound to the …

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Western leaders try to hide it: Corona shutdown came due to blind trust in WHO, Imperial Report predicting millions dead

Corona shutdown came due to blind trust in WHO, Imperial Report predicting millions dead and were wrong: AP

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland at WND: Corona shutdown came due to blind trust in WHO, Imperial Report predicting millions dead: Many are now openly asking if the COVID-19 reaction was overblown, and in that case, who pushed the exaggerations? If politically motivated, the misinformation suggesting mass deaths has contributed to the largest economic meltdown in a century. Not …

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