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Idlib refugees: Al Qaida as Western ally was confirmed in 2014

ISIS-beheading-of-Foley-Reuters Herland Report

  Herland Report: Idlib refugees and Al Qaida as Western ally: Many ask why we do not cover the Syrian Arab Army and its allies’ attack on Idlib in Syria, as two million are in distress. Well, what is there to say? At one point the war on Syria has to end and its mercenaries return home. Those Syrians who …

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5G, Corona og influensa: uansvarlig dårlig jobb

Double Jabbed die at rate Six Times higher than Unvaccinated: Herland Report

  Herland Report: 5G og influensa: uansvarlig dårlig jobb: Det er svært alvorlig når Faktisk.nos Silje S. Skiphamn, Morten Langfeldt Dahlback og Mina Liavik Karlsen tillates å gjøre så slett arbeid med et tema som koblingen mellom mobilbruk, immunforsvaret og influensa. Påstanden som har tatt for seg var: «Mobilstråling påvirker immunforsvaret slik at man lettere får influensa.» Blant de …

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Billionaires’ child soldier Greta Thunberg versus climate-realist Naomi Seibt

Finally comes climate-realist Naomi Seibt: Greta Thunberg George Soros Herland Report

  Herland Report: Finally comes climate-realist Naomi Seibt: OK, we get it. Billionaires use rich, white child soldiers like Greta Thunberg to push for divestment in world energy, to profit by the billions once the energy shortage sets in. This is Wall Street 2020. Cunning strategies, manipulations, questionable derivatives, shorting and market speculation is king. Some suggest that the Climate …

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Paul C. Roberts: The Culture War: Fascinating explanation of the organized destruction of Western civilization

The Culture War. How the West lost its Greatness. Paul Craig Roberts

  Herland Report:The Culture War: Fascinating explanation of the organized destruction of Western civilization: Just as capitalism won the battle as the ruling economic model, the extreme liberals won the social revolution in the West. Radical new elites have broken down historical values in order to create a new world order with new sets of ethics. They have pushed for …

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The Muslim Transatlantic Slave Trade that no one Talks About

The Muslim Transatlantic Slave Trade: Raymond Ibrahim Herland Report

  Herland Report: The Muslim Transatlantic Slave Trade: In Africa, the slave trade was driven by indigenous Africans and Arabs centuries before the European got involved. The African tribes were, as still today, divided in tribal structures. At the time, they were sharply divided and fought each other, the victor taking slaves from the other tribe. These slaves were then …

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Trump State of the Union Speech: Massive Economic Progress

Business-SOTU Trump State of the Union:

  Herland Report: Trump State of the Union: “Three years ago, we launched the great American comeback. Tonight, I stand before you to share the incredible results.” “Jobs are booming, incomes are soaring, poverty is plummeting, crime is falling, confidence is surging, and our country is thriving and highly respected again. America’s fortunes are on the rise and the America’s …

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Massive US Economic boost under Trump, media silent #Blacks

Coup against Trump Fails Reuters

  Herland Report:  Massive US Economic boost under Trump: The mainstream media are remarkably quiet about it, refusing to address president Donald Trump’s record breaking economy, ahead of the State of the Union Address.  All we have heard about from CNN the past years, has either been “Russia Gate” or more recently “Impeachment”. Apparently it does not matter to the …

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The Billionaires behind the Green Agenda #GretaThunberg #Davos

Idiotic Green Reform: Billionaires behind the Green Agenda

  Herland Report: The billionaires behind the Green Agenda: Within little more than a year everyone imaginable seems to have jumped on the bandwagon of the new green agenda of radical measures to “stop” climate change. [pullquote]“We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental …

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BREXIT comes because the EU forgot to defend Europeans

The belief in Modern Science as if it is a Religion Hanne Herland

  Herland Report: The EU forgot to defend Europeans: The main mistake of the EU has been that its leaders forgot to defend the interests of the people. They forgot to defend their own. The EU leadership has scorned traditional European values, belittled Europe’s historical greatness and its past, forgotten about the European workers, left European culture to die silently. …

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