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Biden is excellent news for Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia: Oil prices soar as US stops own production


Herland Report: The Biden presidency is already turning into very good news for Iran, Russia, Norway and Saudi Arabia, as oil prices soar and create massive wealth for these nations. 

Biden’s choice to end shale, review oil permits, halting the Keystone XL Oil Pipeline and thereby end US oil independence, is a dream come true to many. Russia and Saudi must be overjoyed.

The order to stop new oil and natural gas leases on public lands, reviewing existing permits, aims at strengthening Green energy, writes historian and author, Hanne Nabintu Herland. Link to WND article here.

Which is great! We all wish there was more green sustainable energy in the world. The problem is, we are not there yet. The question then becomes: Who will profit from the upcoming energy shortage?

To the endless applause of gullible Hollywood actors who pretend to be equipped advisors in the geopolitical game, Biden is, of course, cheered on. But the Biden push against fossil fuels may return the United States to its past dependencies on Saudi Arabia and other energy providers, as the Green is not yet able to provide sufficient energy. Which leading analysts very well know.

The upcoming energy crisis will probably end up demonstrating the geopolitical shift towards the East even more, as the American lack of wisdom currently seems endless.

“To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens.” Adolf Hitler.


Biden is excellent news for Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia:  Herland Report banner
Biden is excellent news for Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia:  The Herland Report Scandinavian news site, TV channel on YouTube and Podcast has millions of viewers. The level of censorship in social media and search engines is all-time high. Do like thousands of others, subscribe to The Herland Report newsletter here! Thanks so much for reading and supporting our investigative work. Follow the new trends and subscribe!   


The Saudi-Russia push for low oil prices to kill shale


Biden is excellent news for Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia:  In early March, 2020, Russia and Saudi set the tone for the economic warfare strategy of keeping the prices low, arguably hoping this would affect US shale and US independence from foreign oil. Read our article about this here  and here.

The Mexican standoff between Russia and Saudi Arabia resulted in Russia pulling the plug on OPEC+ agreements. After Russia refused to support deeper oil cuts to cope with the dramatic fall in energy consumption following the outbreak of the Covid-19 crisis, OPEC responded by removing all limits on its own production, causing the price to dip even further, adding gasoline to the fire, so to speak.

Free flow of oil production produced low oil prices which US shale could not take without further bankruptcies. The question remains whether Russia or Saudi Arabia anticipated a market response of the Covid economic magnitude.




One of the main reasons for Saudi’s push for lower oil prices back in March, was precisely to pressure US oil independence through its high cost shale oil production. The US shale oil industry needed at the time an break-even oil price of around 60 USD a barrel, Russia only needs around 20 USD a barrel and the nation is almost debt free, according to analysts.


The Debt free Conservative Russia


The role of Russia is interesting. President Putin runs an economy on the rise, suffering less than the United States from low oil prices, being more self-supplied with goods after decades of U.S. sanctions. Russia has paid back much of its debt to IMF and Western institutions, buying gold like there is no tomorrow and funding a mass rearmament of the military.

Glenn Diesen new book Russian Conservatism. Glenn Diesen: How Russia left Communism and embraced Russian Conservatism
BUY professor Glenn Diesen’s new book and understand Russia better: Russian Conservatism. Managing change under Permanent Revolution.

The nation has, the past twenty years or so shifted from being a Communist atheist state to now over 70 % of its people belonging to the Russian Orthodox Church.

Read Norwegian professor Glenn Diesen’s new book Russian Conservatism which examines how Russia after a century of experimenting with communism and liberalism, has returned to its long conservative history, which dominated before 1917.

One may of course wonder who needs enemies when the Biden administration pushes its own country into the very wished for energy shortage that others long hoped for.

The geopolitical shift of power towards the East is yet again apparent. America is deep in its existing debt crisis, financial crisis, political crisis, mask crisis with now also the upcoming energy crisis?

With the new, arguably somewhat premature Green Biden presidency approach, Saudi is thereby free to push the oil prices to new heights, which is happening as we speak.


Green energy is great, but upcoming shortage may cause pain 


Biden is excellent news for Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia: To state the obvious: Green energy is great, yet so far not profitable or available to the degree that oil or coal is redundant. CNBC writes that “the federal government is to conserve 30% of federal lands and water by 2030 and find ways to double offshore wind production by that time.”

Again, let’s go green, but knowing how massively dependent even the wind mill production is on access to fossil fuel energy, one wonders from which other source of energy president Biden will produce these mastodon wind mills at sea. How will these be profitable in only 9 years, in 2030?

There is a high probability that the US again will be dependent on massive oil imports that will slow down the economy and increase the cost base for the average driving American.


Biden is excellent news for Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia:  Also check out these topics at CNN or FOX News. Other sources may be New York TimesUSA Today, the Washington Post or from the British angle, BBC, The Guardian, The Telegraph or Financial Times.


About the author

Hanne Nabintu Herland is a historian of comparative religions, bestselling author and commentator. She is the founder of The Herland Report news and opinion website which provides independent analysis from Western intellectuals, ground breaking YouTube interviews and Podcasts, cutting through the mainstream media rhetoric. This is a great place to watch interviews with leading intellectuals, thought leaders from across the political spectrum. Herland’s books include Respect, Det Nye Babylon, Tyranni, The Culture War.

In the 2020 book, New Left Tyranny. The Authoritarian Destruction of Our Way of Life, she shows how the neo-Marxist New Left turned their back on historical Western principles and became a destructive authoritarian force. Trump. The Battle for America is also available on Amazon and in over 60 countries world-wide.

The level of censorship in social media and search engines is all-time high. Do like thousands of others, subscribe to The Herland Report newsletter here! Led by Scandinavian bestselling author, Hanne Nabintu Herland, The Herland Report news and opinion website provides independent analysis from leading Western intellectuals and ground breaking YouTube interviews, cutting through the mainstream media rhetoric. It is a great place to watch interviews and read the articles of leading intellectuals, thought leaders, authors and activists from across the political spectrum.

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